9 - A new Family

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I could feel my heart thudding against my ribcage. I sat there biting my nails in anticipation. I don't know what is happening in the living room.

Peter and Kristina are there with Uncle Raj, they are waiting for my Dad's lawyer. I thought to sneak downstairs and listen to them.

Yes, I could go quietly, sneak into the empty guest room adjacent to the giant living room. I hope they are in some serious discussion and wouldn't notice my presence.

I still can't understand why Kristina asked me to stay in my room. I have every right to know what they are talking about, it's my life they are discussing right?

I slowly tiptoed into the long corridor, passing Jason and Ryan's rooms. I ducked myself so that I can't be seen, I walked to the staircase and hid behind the white fiberglass angel sculpture with wings spread and holding a bird in the hand.

I tried to hear what they were talking, But I couldn't hear anything, I was contemplating the thought of whether I could go down on the pretext of grabbing a snack from the kitchen.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, which scared me and made me jerk backward.

And with the sudden movement, I knocked on the statue, which hit the floor in millions of shards. I turned around to look at an equally scared Ryan, who is in a similar position to me.

We both looked at each other, laughing and glaring at each other and shushing each other at the same time.

So I'm not the only curious ass here.

"I told you, kids, to stay in your room. Go inside. And Amy I will come myself to call you downstairs. Till then no more sneaking."

I nodded like a good child and walked back towards my room. Ryan followed me.

A maid came running there and Kristina asked her to clean the place.

I sat down in the hanging glass bubble chair which is propped with lots of pillows, while Ryan pulled the onion pink bean bag and sat across me.

"Sorry Amy, you know I was just curious about what they were talking and I didn't even mean to scare you."

"I know. It's okay. Now there is nothing left other than to wait for your mom to call me." I told him rubbing my clammy palms on my jeans.

"Let's play a game," he said with a bored look on his face.

"Nah, I'm not in the mood of... And how can you think about playing games when I'm feeling so nervous here."

"I'm just trying to divert your mind. Do you know what if you have to go to India with your uncle? What if we never get to see each other again?" Ryan asked me with a serious face breaking the silence.

He asked me the exact same questions I am dreading.

"That's not possible. He can't take me against my wish. I already lost my parents, I can't leave you and go." I replied him determined.

"Amy, come dear. Let's go downstairs," said Kristina standing by the door.

I walked down the magnificent spiral staircase with Kristina by my side. She squeezed my hand gently. But still, the nervousness in me grew with every step that I took. I saw Peter, Uncle Raj, and Mr.William Quinn are sitting in the living room, which is eerily cold.

Mr.Quinn was my dad's lawyer. Everyone is in their own thoughts and I could feel the tension in the air and it made me involuntarily gulp with anticipation.

Mr.Quinn is the first one to notice me. "Amelia, how are you doing? I want to come and meet you. But I'm busy with so many legal issues with the company. I'm so sorry," he said, hugging me.

I could see Uncle Raj's lips tightening and turning his gaze away from me. "It's okay Mr.Quinn. I can understand. And what happened to the company? A
Is there a problem?" I asked him after breaking the hug.

Not that I can understand if he even tells me, but that company is my father's hard work, he built it with scratch and the thought that Limelight Interiors is in difficulty made me anxious. It may not be a big company like Brown's Elite Constructions but still, Limelight Interiors is my father's dream.

"We will look after Limelight Interiors Amelia, there is no need for you to worry about. You have to take care of your health and your studies." This time Peter spoke before Mr.Quinn could answer me.

I nodded my head at him. Everyone is quiet, maybe contemplating who will break the decision for me. I can't help myself from gnawing on the inside of my cheek. My cold hands lay tightly intertwined in my lap.

Mr.Quinn broke the silence. "Amelia your father called me to the hospital and changed his will before his death, he stated that your full custody will be given to Peter and Kristina Brown. And Mr.Brown will lead Limelight Interiors until you turn 18, but once you turn 18 you will be the legal heir and the company will be changed to your name but still managed by Mr.Brown. However, once you finish your education and are fit for running the company then the complete power will be given to you legally."

My mind stopped processing the information after I heard that my custody is given to the Browns. I felt a flush of happiness dance through me.

I glanced at Kristina. And she was bursting with joy. I can't help but notice the tears of happiness on her face. I turned to look over at Uncle Raj and saw that his face looks dejected, his shoulders slumped. I immediately felt sorry for him. I can understand that he is hurt.

"It's totally fine Amelia. I thought I can take you with me, back to India, and look after you. I thought I could wash the guilt that I didn't let my sister meet her family, didn't let my aging parents see or talk with their only daughter. If I looked after you, I thought Priya will forgive me. But it's okay. In the end, I want you to be happy. I can accept your parent's last wish. But you have to promise me one thing, you have to come and visit us whenever you get time." he said in a brittle voice

He immediately stood up and turned his face to the other side so that he can blink away the moisture in his eyes which didn't go unnoticed by me.

I went near him and placed my hand on his arm, "I will definitely come and meet you and everyone in the family in India." I told him with my own voice choking with emotion.

After lunch, I went to Uncle Raj's room, we made a Skype call to the family in India. My grandma had tears in her eyes seeing me. And cried remembering mama, and then grandpa scolded her for making me cry, he asked me how I was doing and asked me to come to meet them soon.

He was so much fun to talk to. I spoke with Aunt Seema she asked me if I recovered fully from the injuries. Then my cousins Dia and Arjun, Dia is the same age as me and we totally hit it off because she is a literal ball of sunshine. Arjun is a 10years old naughty boy. I felt like squishing his chubby cheeks.

After talking to all of them for an hour, I felt happy, mama always wished that I would meet her family and bond with them.

"I'm going back to India after 2days Amelia," Uncle Raj told me.

"Can't you stay for a few more days?" I want him to stay for a few more days and spend time with him. I want to get to know him and the other family members.

"No dear, there is no one to look after the business in my absence. I have to go. Make sure to visit us on your holidays."

"It's okay within a few months, I have my winter break. I will come to India and stay for a month for sure." His face beamed with a smile after hearing my response.


Hello, my dear lovely readers,
Hope I'm not dragging the story with lots of drama.
The story is yet to unfold and all this drama is needed to give a peek into what Amelia went through in her early teens.

Question of the day: what do you think about this trip to India? Any guesses

Love Rami ❤

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