12 - A pang of Jealousy hit me

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Jessica's pov

"Come on Jay, you can't cancel the party," I whined at him.

"Just let it go, Jess. Why don't you go to my room? I will grab some drinks for us." Saying he walked into the kitchen.

I'm lost in my thoughts sitting on Jason's bed and thinking about my relationship with him.

I'm the cheerleading captain and Jason is the most popular guy in our school. It only made sense that I dated him. Not to forget the fact that he is the heir to Elite Constructions and his goddamn good looks.

All the girls envy me, but I still feel that something is missing in our relationship. Many guys want to date me and give me whatever I asked for, but still, I chose Jason. Jason got the looks, money, and everything except I don't feel like he gives much importance to me in his life.

It only made sense that my boyfriend picks me up at school. But no, he has to drive his little brother and Amelia every day. Just when I think I have his full attention, Amelia comes into the picture and his total attention turns to her, he tries to do something to irritate her or prank her. His eyes shine whenever he sees her with mischief.

Once when Tony pranked her by using superglue in her chair in the cafeteria because Jason always pranks her and irritates her. He thought Jason would appreciate it, but he received a black eye and warning to never bother her again.

He never bothered even if some guys flirted with me or passed comments on me. He used to chuck them saying it's all part of high school.

Even at the time, I want to go to a friend's party with him. But he decided to go to an amusement park for her birthday to babysit her. When all my friends agreed to go to the amusement park, I thought I could go and spend some time with him. The entire time he keeps worrying about his brother and that little bitch.


The day in the amusement park had been going well till Jason Saw Amy with Ryan and Sophie at the twist drop ride.

"Running away like a chicken?" Jason said looking at Amy walking away from the ride.

Amelia turned back looking pissed with his mere presence.

"I'm not, I just choose to not get into this ride" she snarled at him.

"Yeah, because you are scared" he continued to irritate her. I don't know about her but I'm the one getting irritated here.

"No, I'm not," she said crossing her hands at her chest.

"Yes, you are" he mocked her.

"Get lost you pig" saying she turned away from us and went in the other direction. Thank God finally.

"Aww, little kitty is scared!!" He looked amused and it made her stop again in her tracks.

"Oh let her be darling, she is too small for this ride and she is probably scared, let's go" I insisted snaking my arm around his. I don't want him to give unnecessary attention to her.

"I'm not scared and I would ride this one" she growled at us placing her hands on her hips.

"I dare you" he challenged her looking at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

God! Tell me why I'm dating this guy!!

"Amy, no need let's go," said Sophie her best friend pulling her away from us.

"There is no need to prove to him, let's go Amy and you Jason just stop bothering her at least on her birthday," said Ryan

I saw Amelia walk towards the ride with flared nostrils and an annoyed face but her legs seemed shaky.

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