94 - I do

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"Amy, come here" Grandma engulfed me in a hug the moment I stepped out of the car. I wrapped my hands around her fragile body.

"You've gotten so thin. Aren't you eating well." She asked me moving a step back and scanning me up and down.

"She eats all the food in the house along with my ears and brain." Jason teased from behind.

"Then you don't have proper food at your house and your brain is probably empty." Reeva rolled her eyes at Jason, making everyone laugh.

"Why did you invite her?" Jason hissed in my ear.

"I'm not ready to get another round of scolding from her because I didn't invite her. I've learned my lesson the first time."

We entered the resorts booked for our wedding. Uncle Raj handed over the room keys to all of our friends who flew down with us.

"Come on, let's go" Dia pulled me excitedly.

"Let me drop my luggage in my room, take a shower and then I will come," I told her pulling my hand back.

"You are sharing a room with me like always." Dia let out excitedly.

Jason wrapped his hand around my shoulders and stopped me, "yeah that was in the past and now she is my wife."

"You should've thought about that before going with this second wedding plan. In India, the bride and groom don't share a room before the wedding." She winked at him and pulled me laughing. I giggled at Jason's face and waved him bye.

"Don't worry bro, it's just a matter of two days." Caleb patted Jason's shoulder laughing.


Dressed in a white gown, I sat in my room. My bridesmaids left me alone and went God knows where to steal Jason's shoes. This mission is solely led by Dia.

Ours is a fusion wedding with a mix of both cultures. I sure looked like a fusion bride in a white gown and bright red mehendi stain on my hands.

'This is an Indian custom and I'm sure Jason doesn't know about it. If he wants his shoes back then he has to pay us money. We will split into two teams. One will distract him and the other team should steal them. Don't forget he is rich af so we are talking thousands of dollars here.'

I hope they win and loot all his money. I giggled at the thought.

There was a knock on my window. Who the hell is that? My room is on the second floor.

I slide the window door open and there was Jason in his suit climbing up the water pipeline.

He looks weird hanging onto the pipeline. I wonder what Ralph Lauren will feel if he sees someone wearing his masterpiece and doing stunts like these.

"What are you doing here?"

"This is a crazy idea." He jumped into the room and started pacing up and down in the room nervously.

"What is crazy?" I asked, my eyebrows knotted in confusion.

"This wedding. I made a mistake."

"Do you want to die?" I scowled at him. These jokes will kill him one day I swear.

"I should've opted for a direct honeymoon." He grinned.

"You are crazy" I laughed at him.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I'm just bored."

"Don't tell me you are bored just an hour before our wedding ceremony starts."

My eyes slipped down to his shoes. What happened to Dia's master plan?

He Stole My Heart ✅ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora