76 - Never have i ever

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"I'm sorry for not telling you guys about my wedding but it was not intentional. I never felt it was the right time to tell, something always came in between. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me, guys. I swear from now onwards I won't keep any secrets."

"It's okay, Amy. I get you." Mandy replied warmly.

I looked at Reeva with hope in my eyes.



I kept chanting in my head.

"Come on, Reeva. Stop acting out." Mandy huffed out at Reeva while Reeva stood with her arms crossed at chest level and started tapping her foot.

"I will do anything that you want. Stop giving me the cold treatment." I begged.

"So you promise to do everything I say?" Reeva asked me with a serious look on her face, her eyes narrowed at me, scrutinizing my face for a change of emotions and her foot tapping too stopped.

"Yup, I would do anything to get you to forgive me. I know I messed it up badly. So anything." I said in a hurry.

"You can't go back on your words. Mandy, you are the witness." Reeva said a devilish smile slowly crawling onto her face.

Oh God, I don't feel good about it now. I looked at Mandy and she gave me a pitying look, made the sign of the cross, and mouthed Rest in Peace.

Did I get myself into trouble? The look on Reeva's face says so.

"Now for starters, you are picking us up for college tomorrow, you will ne my personal assistant and chauffeur for a week, and then we are having a sleepover at your place tomorrow since it's Friday," Reeva ordered walking around the couch and walking to the kitchen to get a beer can from the fridge.

"Wait, what?" I shouted in unison with Mandy.

"I want to have a girl's night." She said shrugging her shoulders casually and taking a big gulp of beer.

"Reeva, we can have it here too. Jason and his brother, Ryan will be present at her place." Mandy said.

"Yes, but I want to have a girl's night at their shiny mansion instead of our dingy apartment. Look at the perks, Mandy. We will have a swimming pool and a game room too and don't forget the unlimited snacks in her pantry."

"Ryan is not an issue, he would be happy with some company but..."

"But?" Reeva raised her eyebrow at me.

"I should update Jason beforehand just to check he doesn't have any problem with us hanging out."

"Aren't you the homeowner too now? Like after the wedding it's literally your house too." Reeva said in a duh tone.


"Put Jason aside, I don't want you to have any problem in the first place, miss Jones, after all, you want to be forgiven."

"No, no... No problem at all." I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Oops my bad, I keep forgetting that now you are a Mrs.Brown? Right? But not my fault I'm not invited to the wedding that happened 3months back." She shrugged her shoulders.

Oh boy! This is going to be hard. Please help me, God!

It's going to be a hell of lot of torture till Reeva forgives me fully, but I think I deserve it for hiding my wedding from her.


I was back home and went to check on the Brown Brothers. One is busy with work in the study and the other playing video games in the game room.

He Stole My Heart ✅ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora