57 - Vodka is fun water

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Reaching home, I was ushered by my mom and Mrs. Kashyap to our beach house, not even giving me the time to freshen up as the gang was holding a party there tonight. They want me to talk with the princess to reduce her anxiety.

How can she throw a party when we are getting married in 2days?

I don't know what goes on in her brain!

But the sight that welcomed me... This guy had his hands on her waist, her body plastered to his, his face mere inches away from hers. And she was GIGGLING at something that he was saying.

Rage flew through me, my eyes seethed with anger looking at the way his hands held her.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER" I roared at him balling my fists.

He looked surprised for a second and then turned confused. My eyes darted to look at Amy, who looked shocked like a deer caught in headlights blinking her eyes innocently, in surprise.

"You know him?" The guy asked her, moving a step back from her, making space between them but still holding her.

"He is my fiance." She giggled like a lunatic, her cheeks painted rosy.

I found myself softening at that word. I unballed my fists and went to her.

"You told me you didn't have a boyfriend." He cried in annoyance. Then he turned his attention back to me, "sorry bro." He said avoiding eye contact and he pushed Amy into my arms.

"Yeah, but you didn't ask if I have a fiance." The dumwit replied to him.

I shook my head sighing.

He looked at her like she was crazy and hurried into the kitchen.

"Hey stranger, don't leave me alone with him," Amy shouted on top of her lungs even though he is out of the living room, making a few people dancing around us turn their attention to us.

''Where are the others?" I asked her scanning the room, holding her by her waist.

"Ryan went to get hanky panky with Leslie." She giggled as more color painted her face.

I pulled her towards the kitchen and made her sit on a barstool and brought some water for her.


"No. I need vodka" she pouted her lips, swinging a little on the stool.

"You can't sit straight and need more vodka? What you need is water." I told her slamming the glass in front of her.

"But vodka is fun water. And I still want to dance." She said jumping from the stool, before her face planted on the ground... I caught her and made her sit on the stool again.

This is going to be a long night.!!

I pressed my fingers on the bridge of my nose. My patience is running thin. All I want to do now is find Ryan and kill him with my bare hands. How can he leave her alone this drunk?

I walked towards the player and switched it off. "All right everyone, the party is over. Thanks for coming."

People groaned and swore but made their way out.

All except one.

"Aww what? But I just opened the grey goose. I was about to make it into geese."  A girl with ivory skin, light blue eyes, and her dirty blonde hair in a high messy bun said pointing to the row of shot glasses and grey goose vodka bottle in front of her on the dining table.

Amy jumped from the barstool and joined this weird girl, "D, I haven't seen you there. Wow, I need some shots."

Before I could stop it Amy is linking her hand through D's and taking a shot.

He Stole My Heart ✅ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz