33 - Skating Rink

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Jason's warm hands held on to my cold ones. He gave me a warm smile encouraging me.  I looked around just to see a plump woman losing her balance and falling on the ice on her face. Not a good sight when you want to start ice skating. My grip on his hands tightened.

"Don't look around. You have the best coach." Jason winked at me flashing his cocky smirk.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his cockiness but the same words gave a bit of relief to my anxious heart.

"Just bend your knees a little. Just move one foot at a time slowly."  He said facing me and skating slowly backward holding my hands.

I followed his lead, I am slow and Jason has been very patient with me. I fell in steps with him. We are slow but I liked it. His hands never left mine, holding them tightly. His eyes bore into me deep, making me blush.

We kept skating for a few minutes till I got the hang of it. Gazing into his green orbs left me wondering if his eyes were always this alluring shade of green. Snapping out of my thoughts with a blush on my cheeks I broke my eye contact.

I saw a little girl skating faster than me, so fast that it's making me dizzy. She is twirling and bending effortlessly. I can see that everyone in the rink is better than me.

I want to be like that little girl, I saw her bend down a little and push forward. I want to imitate her and go faster, my ankles are still wobbly. But it didn't seem too difficult to mimic the girl's actions.

I can do it. Right?

"A little faster this time?" Jason asked as if he could hear my inner thoughts. He left one of my hands and started skating parallel with me.

I'm trying to get each step at the right place and pushing at the right time. I'm still a little off, a little scared but secure with Jason's hand tightly clasping mine through the gloves.

"You are good. And a fast learner too. I'm gonna leave your hand." He said leaving me alarmed.

"What NOOO!" I shrieked. But he already left mine.

"I'm gonna fall, don't leave my hand" I shouted at him as he went a bit fast and turned around to look at me.

I tried skating on my own. I did fall a few times, now my gloves and pants are wet because of falling but wet clothes are not my concern anymore. I felt alive as the frosted air touched my skin and gave a nice shade of pink to my cheeks.

I'm skating a bit faster with Jason in tow. The cold wind made my eyes water. My leg muscles started aching but I don't want to stop. It felt serene, rhythmic like I'm flying to another world.

I can't believe I never experienced something like this all these years.

"Can you shoot my video while I'm skating like a pro?" I asked Jason giggling. I can send it to Ryan and Dia to make them jealous.

I kept skating around Jason in a circle, while he took my video. I suddenly lost my balance, stumbling on the ice trying to gain control again. Jason came next to me trying to hold me, but I fell on him pushing him on the iced floor

His hands left mine and circled my waist as he fell, making sure I didn't get hurt. I closed my eyes anticipating the fall. I opened them slowly to see myself lying on his hard chest and his face just a few inches away from mine. We both started laughing looking at each other.

The amusement in his visage suddenly faded to be placed by mysterious emotion. The intensity with which he gazed made my face uncomfortably and hot all of a sudden and the giggles stopped awkwardly at my throat. His musky scent engulfed my nostrils again.

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