72 - Dont kitty me!

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My eyelids were clamped shut and after great difficulty I managed to open them barely, allowing only a tiny sliver of light through. I tried adjusting my eyes to my surroundings.

I was welcomed by blurred images of machines around me, beeping monotonously and an IV fluid connected to a vein on my wrist. A low groan escaped my throat as my throat felt drier than a Sahara.


I tried opening my lids fully and realized it was dark in the room. The only source of light coming from the glass part of the room door from the corridor. My eyelids widened when I heard a soft snore from the other side of my bed.

A figure slumped in a chair beside my bed with head resting on my bed holding my hand. Her face hid behind her unruly curls. I tucked the hair behind her ear taking her petite form in. She was also dressed in a pair of hospital pajamas, similar to mine.

What happened to her?

I tried detangling my other hand from her clasp. She stirred in sleep but again went to back to deep slumber with a frown on her face. I eased the knots on her forehead with my fingers and brushed her pale cheek with the back of my hand. She looked weak.

Why is she at the hospital? At this ungodly hour? Why is she dressed like a patient?

I removed the IV drip from my veins. Getting down from the bed, I gently picked her up from the chair and placed her on the bed in my place, she curled into a ball. I sat in the now-abandoned chair.

A Series of flashbacks rolled in front of my eyes. The fight with Amy in office, drinking nonstop disgusted at my own words, then force kissing her, the slap, me going out drunk and driving, and at last the accident. I closed my eyes in revulsion.

I went to the washroom attached to my hospital room closed the door behind me and I leaned against it. What kind of monster I have become? My rage took over me and I force kissed Amy!

But still, she sat beside my hospital bed waiting for me. I washed my face and went back into the room. A deep abiding of self-loathing took over me as I sat there watching the angel sleep peacefully in front of me. I dont know when but slowly I slipped back into sleep.


"Amelia, wake up. What are you doing here? On the bed? When did Mr.Brown get his consciousness?'' I heard a soft voice talking briskly.

"He woke up? How did I come to the bed?". I heard Amy's frantic voice. I lifted my head from the bed groggily. I saw a nurse in her scrubs, aged around in her 50's maybe, with a curly bob and wrinkles on her soft features scolding Amy.

"You are again out of your room? I told you to stay in your bed." She chided Amy. But I can see the fondness she had for my kitty as she brushed Amy's bed hair down and shook her head muttering something along the lines 'night shift staff are always snoozing'

I turned to Amy but she was not listening to anything the nurse was saying instead, she was staring at me impassively. She looked pale, her face devoid of the color and dark circles underneath her eyes. She looked like she lost a couple of pounds.

I tried to read her face if it's happy, sad, hurt, angry, or even disgusted but she just sat there with a straight face motionless staring at me in the eye.

"Oh, Mr.Brown you are up. I'm so glad that you gained consciousness. You are out of consciousness for 2days now. I should check your vitals and report to the doctor about your consciousness." The nurse said frantically.

"Mrs. Gibbs, can you give us a moment, please" Amy's voice came out thick with emotion.

Mrs.Gibbs, the nurse back and forth at Amy and me and again at Amy.

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