Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"Never lose hope.
Storms make people stronger
and never last forever."
Roy T. Bennett



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"Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan."

Bri shoots up with a gasp, the noise that would have startled a certain raven-haired vampire that sleeps beside her awake simply being lost in the expanse that is Steven's Quarry.

The sun is already past its apex, descending below the treeline from Bri's perspective when her leaf-green eyes finally focus on her surroundings — and she's left wondering why she's almost missed an entire day and woke up in the Quarry.


Katherine and Damon sit in silence as they drive around in search of the missing banshee, the Salvatore man having been scolded by the doppelgänger for hours after he called to tell her that Bri hadn't been there when he woke up.

"Where could she be?" Katherine murmurs thoughtfully, "And why hasn't she reached out?"

Damon sighs as he ponders aloud, "Maybe she isn't awake. Maybe she's too far away. Maybe she doesn't have enough energy because of how the voices have been."

"You mean she might be out of town?" Katherine furrows her eyebrows as she turns to look at her raven-haired companion, "If what you said about the warnings she got yesterday is right, she wouldn't leave Mystic Falls voluntarily, and I doubt she would be led out of the town that needs her most. Unless they're leading her to a greater threat."

Icy blue eyes glance at the vampire doppelgänger, "A greater threat?"

"I think we need to have a word with Jeremy about a vampire Pearl knew of that had a way to kill Klaus," Katherine remarks, prompting Damon's eyes to widen in realisation as he says, "Jeremy can see his dead girlfriend Anna, the daughter of Pearl, who knew about a big bad that knew about a way to kill the big bad hybrid."

Katherine nods, "Exactly."

"Well then," Damon does a rapid U-turn, "Let's go fetch baby Gilbert."


"Oh, come on!" Caroline exclaims at the sight of the elaborate trap they set now undone, "Seriously?! Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?!"

Tyler looks up at Matt—the ruiner of elaborate mousetrap pranks—and remarks, "Forgot about senior prank night, huh?"

"Clearly," Matt sighs as he looks over the occupants of the room.
Tyler, Caroline, Elena, Bonnie and Skylar are spread throughout the classroom with mousetraps covering the floor around them. They all stare up at the Donovan boy with looks varying from displeasure to annoyance to amusement.

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