Chapter Fifty-Five

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"It has been said,
'time heals all wounds.'
I do not agree.
The wounds remain.
In time, the mind,
protecting its sanity,
covers them with scar tissue
and the pain lessens.
But it is never gone."
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy



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Caroline's confused voice rings through Bri's mind as she lurches up in bed, gasping loudly, "Caroline."

Bri raps her knuckles against the front door of the Forbes house, Skylar nervously shifting on her feet behind her as they wait for the Sheriff to open the door so that Bri can share the vision she had just before walking up.

As soon as Liz opens the door, Bri starts spewing information, "Caroline is being kept tied to a chair in a cellar of some kind by her dad."

"What?" Liz balks with wide eyes.

The sun crests over the horizon, and the banshee sighs, "Carol figured out about her being a vampire and called your ex-husband to do something about it and she was taken yesterday morning and woke up an hour or two ago and—"

"Slow down, Bri," the Sheriff coaxes as she gestures for the duo to come in, "Start from the top."

And so, Bri does—she tells Liz about the dream of Carol shooting Caroline with a vervain dart after she reacted to vervain coating her bag, that she couldn't find her because she was unconscious, and that she woke up from a dream with Caroline tied to a chair in a cellar, calling 'daddy' into the darkness.

"Do you know where the cellar is?" Liz questions, prompting Bri to shake her head, "No. But I can put myself in a trance and lead you there."

The Forbes woman agrees, and gets ready to rescue her daughter. Before they can leave, however, Tyler arrives, prepared to undo the damage his mother has done after she watched his transformation the night before and learned he's a werewolf.

As his eyes land on Bri, Tyler realises they already know about it and simply says, "I'm coming with you."

"Well then," Bri exhales slowly, closing her green eyes and focusing on thoughts of Caroline until she feels the familiar pull and opens her eyes, now glowing red, "Let's go free Caroline."


Damon watches Elena march up to the Salvatore Boarding House, her strides long and purposeful until she stops at the unlocked door, knocking sharply against it before calling up as she walks in, "Bri? Damon?"

"Just Damon," the raven-haired vampire informs as he appears at the top of the stairs, "Bri and Sky are out with Liz and Tyler searching for Caroline."

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