Chapter Eleven

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Asleep on the Salvatore's couch, Bri finds herself in 1864, watching Stefan's past as he hallucinates in the cellar.

Damon and Elena had tried waking her up, but when he notices her eyes moving behind her eyelids, Damon stops trying, warning Elena to let Bri sleep.
Worried for her friend, Elena opened one of Bri's eyelids, but was shocked by the glowing red behind them.

Everything goes on as normally as possible for the residents of Mystic Falls, other than Stefan starving in a cellar, his hallucinations encroaching into Bri's mind.

The vague story Damon had told her rang through her head, as she watches Stefan kill his own father, and then force his brother to transition.

When Elena and Stefan return from the quarry, after Stefan's suicide mission, they find Damon sitting on the couch next to a barely awake Bri.
Bri is leaning her head against Damons chest, a cup of coffee in her hand, and a tired smile on her face.

"You know," Bri greets, "I once told Damon that he's living an interesting life. Now, I'm extending that statement to you."

Confused, Stefan furrows his eyebrows.
"Little boy lost," Damon says, "You had an audience during your hallucinations."
"It was an intriguing experience," Bri adds, causing Damon to smile.

Elena heads upstairs, and the brothers have a not-so heart to heart conversation.

When Stefan follows Elena up, Bri turns to Damon and laughs, "Well, that was sufficiently awkward."

While Bri and Damon find themselves talking about everything and nothing, Alaric gets a visit from someone he never expected to see again.


~The following day~

"Caroline will kill me if I don't help her with the float," Bri argues with Damon.
"Bri," Damon counters, "You had another one of your mini comas. You need rest."

"You always make me rest," Bri whines, pouting like a child.
"Because whatever the hell it is that you do must be exhausting," Damon replies, "with all the day long naps you take."

Damon continues teasing the banshee, all the while making her coffee, and watching Supernatural with her.
"See," she had pointed out, "It's my car!"

Both Damon and Bri get a message from Alaric, asking for them to meet in his class.

"Damon, Bri, thanks for coming," Alaric greets them when they walk in together.
"Sorry we're late. My dog ate my-" Damon gets cut off by Bri smacking him upside the head.
He sends a playful glare at her, before following her eyesight and seeing Elena's and Stefan's furrowed brows.

"What's with all the furrowed brows?" Damon asks, still unbeknownst to the severity of the situation.
"I saw Isobel last night," Alaric confesses, causing both Bri and Damon to start.
"Isobel is here?" Damon asks, while Bri simply mutters, "That's not good."

Damon begins interrogating Alaric, until Bri steps in, "I think seeing his dead vampire wife might have been a little distracting."
The history teacher sends a grateful smile her way.

Damon finally asks, "What did she want?"
"She wants to see me, Damon," Elena says, followed by an unsubtle cough from Alaric.

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