Chapter Forty-Five

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"I like to see people reunited,
I like to see people run to each other,
I like the kissing and the crying,
I like the impatience,
the stories that the mouth can't tell fast enough,
the ears that aren't big enough,
the eyes that can't take in all of the change,
I like the hugging,
the bringing together,
the end of missing someone.
Jonathan Safran Foer

A scarlet mist apparates right in front of Jeremy's eyes, and he watches in awe as the strange mist grows—until eventually, it takes form and Bri is standing in front of him.
"How the..."

Bri drops at possibly the most inopportune moment.

The sound of a gunshot only registers after the sharp pain of the bullet tearing through her neck does, and Bri collides with the floor with one hand grabbing at her neck, and the other reaching out to Jeremy desperately.

Behind Bri, Sheriff Liz Forbes watches as the redhead and the Gilbert boy drop.

Liz holsters her gun and rushes towards them, muttering to herself as she tries to help her friend and Jeremy.

Caroline speeds into the Mystic Grill, having caught the scent of the banshee's blood.

"Oh God," the blonde teen gasps as she moves towards where Bri is kneeling over Jeremy with blood dripping from her neck and her hands twitching over the boy's chest, "Mom, what did you do?"

Bonnie walks in and tears are quick to full her eyes, "Jeremy! Bri."

Bri's focus is solely on the bullet still lodged in Jeremy's chest as she starts telepathically communicating with the three other occupants of the room, 'Don't worry about me—I'll be alright. But Jeremy... All I can hear is his name.'

The Sheriff watches with wide eyes as the wooden bullet she aimed at Damon emerges from the boy's chest, encompassed with scarlet energy as Bri's voice rings through her head.

'Give him your blood,' Bri instructs as her hands continue twitching above the bullet wound in Jeremy's chest.

Caroline does as told, ignoring her mother as she tries to save the Gilbert boy's life.

It is, however, to no avail as Bri chokes on both her blood and a sob as the name is chorused through her head.

Bonnie's idea echoes through the banshee's mind and she turns towards the Bennett witch, nodding in understanding, 'I don't know if it will work, but if you want to try, do it. I need to find Damon before he hurts anyone.'

"Thank you," Bonnie nods, "and good luck."

Liz watches in amazement as the hole in Bri's neck starts sewing itself back together. The last thing Bonnie, Caroline, Liz, and the newly-arrived Alaric hear telepathically from Bri before she disappears is a resigned, 'What timing to drop. Right through my neck. Why the neck again?'


"There it is," Klaus states, holding the vial of his blood up as he bargains, "You want to save your brother? How 'bout a decade-long bender? And I have big plans for you when we leave this town."

"I'm not like that anymore," Stefan responds plainly.

"Well, that's too bad. You would have made a hell of a wingman," the Original remarks with a small smirk.

The vial is turned, and the Hybrid's blood starts dripping into the sink and down the drain.

Stefan's eyes widen as he exclaims, "Wait!"

Klaus stops pouring the blood and turns to face the Salvatore vampire, "Now that's more like it. I want you to join me for a drink."

Katherine watches in pity as Klaus tosses a blood bag to Stefan, forcing him to drink all of it before throwing him another blood bag.

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