Chapter Three

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"So what now?"

Brianna looks up expectantly at Stefan. Meeting her gaze, he ponders for a few moments.
"Now, I make sure Damon stays away from Elena. You should head home and get some sleep. And then tomorrow, we explain and plan," he decides.

Brianna nods, says her goodbye, and leaves. The young woman has always been around death, often finding bodies, and she has met her fair share of vampires. But never before had she felt safe in the presence of one.

Of course she usually found them with a body or two at their feet.

But that isn't the point.

Stefan stands guard outside the Gilbert household, and Brianna gets some much needed rest. The whispers constantly going, no longer loud chatter. Most of the death had finally passed, but there was still more to come, and she knew it.

The next day, Elena, Brianna, and Stefan are sitting at a table at the Mystic Grill.
"You said you would explain everything," Elena starts, "That's why I asked you to meet me here. When you Google 'vampire' and 'banshee' you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?"

"I think the vampire explanation should be first," Brianna says, "It's probably a whole lot simpler than the banshee thing."
Stefan nods, "I can tell you whatever you wanna know."

And thus the interrogation begins.

"I know you eat garlic."

The first question has Bri biting back her laughter, and many of Stefan's answers almost crack her into laughter, but it was a serious situation. When Elena finishes her line of questioning, both her and Stefan look at the dirty blonde.

"I'm guessing it's my turn," Bri says, and when the other two nod, she continues, "Let me just do a little explanation before questions."

She takes a deep breath, thinking of the easy explanation she had planned before coming to the grill.

"Alright, so banshees are extremely rare. We do a lot more than scream when someone dies. Banshees all start the same, with the voices in our head, and the occasional scream. But some of us get a whole lot more. Some banshees have some witchy abilities, some are stronger than humans, but not all banshees get the extra abilities."

Elena and Stefan sit in silence for a moment, when Elena suddenly has a flurry of questions. "What other kinds of abilities? Why are they rare? Do you have other abilities?"

Stefan thinks for a moment, before recalling their conversation from the previous night.
"Last night, you said they were either hunted down, or used as weapons. What other abilities make them that dangerous, that wanted?"

"Banshees were created by witches to hopefully counteract the effect vampires were having on the human population. The voices know everything, but some of us can hear more than others. The voices usually tell us about someone close to death, so that we can help if possible. Certain lineages of banshees were more powerful than others, all equipped with a scream capable of killing.

"Banshees were granted immortality, with the ability to have children to continue the species. So, many vampires, and even some werewolves, sought them out, and tried to kill them all. The remaining banshees changed who their names, moving elsewhere, and becoming someone else."

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