Chapter Twenty One

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"Finding out the truth is only half of it.
It's what you do with it that matters.
Tristan Wilds

[Note: Flashbacks/ visions will be in italics, and underlined dialogue is in Swedish]

Bri looks up at the desolate building in front of her; her childhood home dark and empty, the only residents being dust, shadows, and memories.

She's already been in Sweden for a week, but had spent the time thus far getting over jet lag.

But now, standing in front of the house, Bri can't help the shiver of apprehension and eagerness of discovering the truth of what happened twenty years ago.

The cool Spring breeze calms her apprehension, and determination takes its place.

Striding towards the front door, the banshee feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand. Her hands find their way to her necklace, which she fiddles with as she looks around the area.

She notices the house looks identical to when she left Sweden; the only difference being the unkempt appearance.

The windows are so dirty, Bri can barely see into the house.

Reaching for the door, the blonde isn't surprised when the door opens without the need for a key.

Stepping through the doorway, her senses are overwhelmed with echoes of the past.

"She's not what that Kit said she would be," the blond man states as he and his wife watch their daughter play with her teddy collection, "We can't let her kill our little girl."

"She gave us until Bri turns 7," the red haired woman responds.

Her husband shakes his head, "She said she'd come for her within 7 years, which means that is the latest she will come."

"Mama, papa!"

The parents turn to their young daughter, watching as she runs towards them with all of her teddy's squished in her small arms.

"What is it, Bri?" the woman asks, at the same time the man asks, "Yes Bri?"

The nearly five year old girl reaches her parents, slowly lowering herself to the floor, motioning for her parents to do the same.
As soon as they join her on the floor, Bri begins telling them the names she's given to each of the toys.

There's a knock at the door, startling the parents before they sigh in relief, knowing the person behind the door is supposed to help them.

Opening the door, the parents greet the witch on the other side while Bri watches shyly.

"Bri, go play upstairs," Bri's mother states, "The adults need to talk."

The small girl heads upstairs, her teddies piled back in her arms as the parents and witch make themselves comfortable in the kitchen.

"So, Alice," the blond man says, "Rumor has it you can help us disappear."

Bri feels eyes on her as she stands just inside the doorway of the house.
Turning around, Bri spots only a blur of brown hair disappearing from view.

Rolling her leafy green eyes, Bri turns back to the house, venturing further into the dusty depths of memories and visions.

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