Chapter Forty-Four

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"There are many kinds of love,
as many kinds of light,
And every kind of love
makes a glory in the night.
There is love that stirs the heart,
and love that gives it rest,
But the love that leads life upward
is the noblest and the best.
Henry van Dyke

Glowing red eyes are the only thing visible in the dark woods.

The sun had set, risen, and set again, all while glowing red eyes traversed the woods—no sense of direction bar the voices in her head and the natural pull of death, Bri walks through the darkness in a trance, only semi-conscious as she dives deeper into nature.

The Salvatore brothers, Rose, Trevor, and Caroline have tried tracking the banshee down, but although there are five of them, making Mystic Falls a relatively small place, the familiar scent of the banshee had disappeared.

Bri subconsciously masks her scent, making it impossible for her loved ones to track her, as well as hiding her from the Original's she isn't aware she's following.

Traces of blood on trees, fallen leaves, bushes, and dirt go unnoticed by the redhead as she continues ahead mindlessly.

Within the woods, another pair of glowing eyes blur between trees, moving impossibly fast as sounds and smells around them guide them through the dark greenery.

Every move is based on a mixture of animal instinct, human intelligence, and superior senses—cumulatively creating the perfect predator.

But nothing could prepare this predator for the sight ahead.

Fiery hair hangs loosely, swaying in the cool night breeze as the familiar woman kneels next to the bloodied body of a man hanging onto life by a thread. Scarlet energy encases her hands, her fingers twitching over a grotesquely torn open neck.

The beast in the shadows does nothing but watch as the wound on the man starts closing—in turn, the skin on the woman's neck starts tearing itself open, blood dripping onto her black dress and painting pale skin.

His vocal cords are mended as her vocal cords tear.
Blood is forced out of his lungs as blood spills into her lungs.

And finally, the man wakes with a start and a loud gasp as she chokes, starting to drown in her blood.

Leaning forward and choking on the blood, Bri shifts from her knees, lowering herself to the ground before rolling onto her back, her hand grasping at her neck.

The sound of rustling leaves and rapid movement ensnares the beast's attention, and it instinctively moves towards the woman quickly, standing between her and the sound of movement protectively as she stares up at the night sky with unfocused eyes.

Elijah watches from a distance as the wolf he knows is his brother moves to protect the dying banshee.

Bri senses the wolf on one side of her, and the man on the other—one surveying the area around him carefully while the other one breathes as quietly as possible, his heart pounding in both amazement and fear.

Darkness consumes the woman, and both Originals hear her heart stop.

The large wolf sniffs at the fiery hair, sparing a glance at the quivering man before dropping next to the woman and laying his heavy head on her stomach.

When the wolf's breathing becomes even, the man slowly gets to his feet and backs away from the beast warily, his adrenaline causing his heart to race as he tries to escape death—again.

A safe distance from the creature, the man turns to run.

He immediately crashes into a brunet, who stares down at him at states, "You will not remember your encounter with the wolf or the woman. You will only remember going for a walk in the woods and falling asleep. When you woke up, you immediately started on your way home. That is all you remember."

The Banshee Teacher || TVD [BEING REWRITTEN ON MY PROFILE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz