Chapter Six

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~So this chapter starts when Bonnie is on her date with Ben because I'm lazy, I didn't want Bri involved in the Salvatore brother drama, and I couldn't think of a way to incorporate her in a way I liked~

Brianna sat in the grill, watching the patrons enjoying the fun of karaoke night. Spotting Bonnie, with a slightly older boy, she catches her attention by waving, and sends her a wink and a thumbs up.

Embarrassed, Bonnie's cheeks turn a light pink, and she looks down, while the boy across from her turned to look at the friend he couldn't name.

Turning back to Bonnie, Ben gets an explanation, and quickly sends a message to Anna.

Does the name Bri or Brianna mean smthng 2 u

Shes the Salvatore's frnd. Be careful w her

Must I take her 2

If u can. knock her out. shes pwrful

With the approval of Anna, Ben comes up with a plan. He encourages Bonnie to sing with her friend, and when Bonnie agrees, he almost rejoices.

Choosing the song I Love You Always Forever, the girls end up laughing more than singing, but have a good time. After they finish the song, Bri introduces herself to Ben, before leaving Bonnie to her date again.

Bri notices the voices picking up, but not with a message of death. Instead they warn her to watch over Bonnie, and so she does. Bri keeps a close eye on her friend, watching as she kisses Ben, and then scurries to the bathroom.

Deciding that she could talk to Bonnie there, the blonde banshee follows after her friend.

As soon as she enters the bathroom, she's knocked out by Ben, who grabs her before she hits the floor, and gets to Bonnie before she was able to get help.


Elena wakes up in a motel room, and sees Ben asleep on a chair at the edge of the bed. She tries to leave, but gets stopped by Ben. Ben compels her, not knowing that she wears vervain, but when she tries to leave again, Anna is right outside the door, and catches her.

Anna throws Elena into the bathroom, where Bonnie is unconscious in the bathtub.

When Bonnie comes to, Elena calms her down while turning the tap on, until Bon remembers about Bri.
"Elena, Ben knocked out Bri," Bonnie informs her friend, "They must have her here too."

Elena sighs, "That might be a good thing."
Bonnie remembers what happened when they fell into the ground at the ruins, and Elena adds, "She can help."

Ben joins them in the bathroom, turns the tap off, and forces Elena out. Elena notices Bri unconscious on one of the beds, and moves to her side while her and Anna talk.

Bri finally stirs awake to Anna on the phone, "Which means your brother has it. And I have the witch."

Noticing Bri moving, Anna pauses and studies the girl, "And whatever Brianna is. So one of you had better meet me in the very public town square in 30 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's gonna be to work together."

Both Salvatore brothers eyes widen when they hear that Anna has Bri; but Damon quickly recomposes himself, while Stefan inhales sharply- which is not missed by Anna or Damon.

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