Chapter Forty-Six

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"Grace represents the sublime glamour
of human souls,
the ability of physically courageous
and emotionally brave people
to give part of them
in order to protect other people
regardless of adverse consequence
that they might personally endure.
Kilroy J. Oldster

"No more," Stefan refuses the most recent blood bag Klaus throws to him, "Not until you give me the cure."

"Not until we make a deal," Klaus counters as he nears the Salvatore vampire, "It's your choice, Stefan. You can either remain here living your life in Mystic Falls, or you can embrace what you truly are, leave town with me, and save your brother's life."

The Original crouches down, picking the blood bag from the floor and offering it to Stefan.

"How do I know there isn't a way to save Damon without having to leave with you?" Stefan questions from his position on the floor.

"You don't know," Klaus reminds with a malicious smirk, "My blood is the only known cure for the bite of a werewolf. Are you willing to risk your brother's life because of your reluctance to leave?"

Katherine watches as Stefan glances between the blood bag and the Hybrid's eyes.

"You see—while you think this over, poor Damon suffers," the Original muses as he stands again, the blood bag still in hand, "Every minute that passes is a minute closer to his death. He has hallucinations, and the line between them and reality becomes increasingly blurry."

Stefan looks up at Klaus with pained eyes as the Hybrid continues, "His inhibitions lower until the only thing he can think about is blood, and how much he wants it. When he reaches that point, he will attack anything that moves."

Klaus stops walking aimlessly around Alaric's apartment, pointedly meeting Stefan's gaze as he concludes, "Including the people he loves most dearly. And even the Scarlet Witch can do nothing to stop it."


"Are you sure about this?" Trevor asks Bri as she scours through the Salvatore Boarding House kitchen for some food—desperate for some sustenance.

"Yeah," Skylar adds from the banshee's side, "We just got you back."

Bri smiles at both of them, "Thank you for worrying, but it's the only way to test my hypothesis. And if it works, Stefan won't have to leave with Klaus and Damon will be healthy again."

"But how will we stop Stefan from agreeing to Klaus' deal until we've tried your way?"

The redhead smiles, waving her phone as an answer.
Skylar can't help the small huff of laughter that escapes her.

To: Stef
Hold off on making a deal for 10 minutes
We're going to try something

Taking a bite from an apple she finds, Bri smiles reassuringly at Skylar as she says, "Let's get this over with."


Katherine watches as Stefan contemplates his options until ultimately snatching the blood bag from Klaus' hand.

And as the younger Salvatore brother starts drinking the blood with new vigour, the vampire doppelgänger swears she hears a light buzz—like that of a phone set to vibrate at the receiving of a message.

Unfortunately, she is the only one to hear the sound, as Stefan is enraptured by the blood he drinks, and Klaus is invested in watching Stefan's resolve diminish.

"That's the spirit," the Hybrid grins, eyes gleaming in satisfaction as the youngest vampire gives in.

Klaus stalks across the room, stopping in front of Katherine and handing her the vial of his blood.
He meets her eyes, and compels, "Sweetheart, take this vial over to Damon and come right back."

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