Chapter Thirty Three

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-my definition-
is based on two things.
Respect and trust.
Steig Larsson


Bri flits around the Salvatore Boarding House kitchen, having volunteered to cook dinner for the party.
Stirring the pot of white sauce, the banshee checks on the mince, before moving to boil the pasta.

Skylar and Damon leave the library, finished with their scheming.

They watch as Bri layers the lasagne expertly, her head moving to the rhythm of the song playing softly in the background.

"You nearly done?"

Damon's voice catches Bri, who had been so caught up in cooking and distracted by the muttering going on in her head, off-guard, and she drops the dish of lasagne.

Damon's voice catches Bri, who had been so caught up in cooking and distracted by the muttering going on in her head, off-guard, and she drops the dish of lasagne

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"Shit!" the banshee exclaims as she jumps, startled, Damon quickly speeding towards her and catching the lasagne just before her scarlet energy can reach it.

"If you hadn't caught that, I would've killed you," Bri threatens as she takes the dish from him, her voice a mixture of gratitude and annoyance.

Placing the dish in the oven, Bri sighs is relief, and turns to Skylar, "We should probably go home to get changed."

"There's no need," Skylar responds with a smile, "While you were cooking, Damon took me home so that I could go get clothes for us."

"You guys left?" Bri questions, confused as she hadn't noticed them leave.

"Yep," the raven haired vampire confirms, "When you were making the apple crumble; which smelt delicious, by the way."

"Thank you," the banshee says with a sweet smile, turning to Skylar, "We should go get changed before anyone gets here."

The girls disappear upstairs, leaving Damon standing in the kitchen, alone with his thoughts.

Or so he thought.

He ponders over his attachment to the human girl, and the banshee; one he'd met only days ago, and the other one months before that, but is someone who understands him, and accepts him completely- the good parts, and the mildly evil parts.

Before his thoughts can go any further, a voice breaks him from his reverie.

"I hope Bri cooked enough for everyone," Rose says, Bri having invited her and Trevor to the dinner as well.
"It smells amazing," Trevor adds, excited to have a homemade meal, even if it will be with someone who had been hunting him and Rose for centuries.

When Damon turns to face them, he notices Trevor's shaggy hair has been cut shorter, and neatened; and he can't help commenting, "You wanting to look good for tonight, hey T-Dawg?"

"I needed some change," Trevor responds, accustomed to the strange nickname the younger vampire had given him.

"We heard you and Skylar planning to take Elijah down," Rose reveals, "and we want in."

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