Happy Holidays!

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Hello everyone!

Merry Christmas! I hope every single one of you have/ had an amazing day fulled with family, giving, and love.

I also wish you all a happy new year!

Unfortunately, I might not be able to update in a while, as the holiday season is a busy one for me.

During these holidays so far, it has been my parents anniversary, Christmas eve, and Christmas.

Still to come is New Years Eve, New Years Day, getting my final results (2 Jan), my birthday (7 Jan), and writing to get my learners license (10 Jan)

So for a little while, I'll be either celebrating things, studying, maybe crying if my results are bad, but after the 10th of Jan, I will probably update within a few days.

Have an amazing holiday season further, and I hope you all enjoy the transition into a new decade.

Lots of love
xoxo LBH xoxo

(P.S: If anyone has any questions, just comment on this or message me privately, and I'll try answer them all.)

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