Chapter Twenty Five

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Authors Note: There is self harm in this chapter, but it is not done in the true spirit of self harm.
As a past self harmer, there will be a trigger warning in the form of --- before and after the action (a paragraph)
So don't worry, you aren't missing out on anything important if you don't feel comfortable reading it.

"Love changes what is probable
and makes unlikely things possible."
Ally Condie


Brianna's voice rings loud and clear through her house, causing the vampire she called to roll her eyes and speed down to the front door.

"We need to head to the Salvatore Boarding House now so that I'm not late for work," Bri says, already making her way outside, Katherine quickly following after her.

"You know nobody's going to be happy to see me, right?" Katherine asks rhetorically.
Bri huffs out a laugh, "I know, but that's too bad. You're here, and you're willing to help us."
"I'm willing to help you," Katherine corrects quickly.

"Which, in turn," Bri retorts as they slide into her car, smiling at the brunette now sitting beside her, "means helping them as well."

Katherine rolls her eyes at the blonde, causing Bri to chuckle as she pulls away from her house.

"Where were you staying before you were put in the tomb?" Bri asks as they near the Boarding House.
"I bounced around," Katherine responds plainly, shrugging her shoulders as Bri slows to a stop.

The two climb out of the Chevy Impala, Bri stating, "Well, you can stay at my place. The only vampires that can get in are the Salavatores, Rose, Trevor, and now you."
"What about Caroline?" Katherine asks, glancing at the banshee with some guilt.

Bri doesn't show any signs of resentment for the vampire as she responds, "Care hasn't come around yet, but when she does, she will be invited in."

"You really care about these people," Katherine comments, only slightly surprised by the endless amount of love and care her Bria constantly gives, adding curiously, "even Rose and Trevor."

"Yeah," Bri pauses, turning to Katherine with a smile on her face as she nods, "I do."

The banshee and vampire doppelgänger step into the Boarding House without knocking, and are no sooner in the living room when Rose comes down the stairs, tying a silk robe around her.

"I'm glad to see you're getting comfortable," Bri comments as soon as Rose comes into view.

"It's been centuries since I've felt this comfortable," Rose responds gratefully, knowing that Bri has played a large part in her and Trevor finally experiencing the more comfortable side of life again.

Damon appears at the top of the staircase, buttoning up his shirt as he moves past Rose and towards Bri, smiling at the banshee the whole time.

"You actually convinced her to help us," the raven haired vampire comments as he reaches the bottom of the staircase.
"Did you doubt me?" Bri asks, a teasing tone in her voice.
"Not for a second," Damon responds, smirking at the blonde, causing Katherine to roll her eyes in mild disgust.

The vampire doppelgänger glances between the woman she thinks of as family, her ex lover, and the vampire who turned her, before voicing with confusion while motioning between the latter two, "But didn't you two..."

Rose and Damon share a glance, the former bursting into laughter, before explaining, "I just had a bath; the best I've had in years."

"And I just finished getting dressed," Damon states, "Besides, what does that have to do anything?"

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