Chapter Eight

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The following morning, Stefan, Elena, and Bri watch Damon boards up the broken window.

 "I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night," Damon says, while reaching for another piece of wood that Bri sends to him- with her powers of course; she is hungover.

"Yeah," Stefan says sarcastically, "And then what? We turn to the rest of that house of vampires and say, 'Oops. Sorry?'"
"I can't believe you made a deal with her," Elena says, referring to Damon and Pearl's 'deal.'
"I can't believe Stef made a funny," Bri jokes.

Damon pushes back his smile, before answering Elena, "It was more like a helpful exchange of information. And it's not like I had a choice. She's...scary. Besides, she's gonna help me get Katherine back."

"Of course she is. Damon gets what he wants, as usual," Elena says, snarkily, "No matter who he hurts in the process."
"Elena," Bri chastises, "what have I said about antagonising vampires?"
"This isn't being very productive," Stefan says, stopping the bickering, "We're gonna figure out a way to deal with Pearl and the vampires. Yeah? Hmm."

Bri watches as Damon leaves the room, and ignores Stefan and Elena's conversation.

Well, ignores it until she hears Stefan say, "What do you mean? I'm perfectly safe. I have Damon, the self-serving psychopath on my side."

Bri doesn't even hear Elena's response as she bursts out laughing, "Stef makes another joke! Someone call 911!"

The couple laugh at Bri's antics, and Elena leaves.

Bri hears Stefan telling Damon that he's going hunting. When he is outside, she calls goodbye to Damon, and goes after him.

"Stef," Bri calls back to her friend, having stolen a pair of sweatpants and shirt from his room.
"Are those mine?" He asks, looking at her attire.

"Yep," she says, popping the p, "I wasn't going to stay in my clothes from last night. They smelled like booze. Can I come with?"

Stefan looks unsure, but eventually nods his head, and they leave into the woods.

After a while of hunting, with a comfortable silence, Stefan breaks the silence.
"Why'd you want to come with?" He asks the blonde.
"I, uh. I don't know," Bri stutters out. "I think something bad is going to happen."

Bri takes note of the weather, "It's very cloudy, no sunlight. I think even the tomb vampires, without daylight rings, could be out and about. And the guy that left last night will probably want revenge."

Stefan chuckles, "How do you know so much about vampires?"
"Well, finding dead bodies a lot lead to me seeing my fair share of vampires," Bri admits, "But I'd never really spoken to many before meeting you Salvatore's."

Stefan hears a noise, and puts his finger to his lips, motioning for Bri to be quiet.
Suddenly, he's staked, and Bri recognises the vampire from last night coming from behind him. "Very clever," he hums, and before she can react, Bri is thrown into a tree and knocked unconscious, Stefan fighting against his captors to no avail.

~A little while later~

Damon calls Elena multiple times, but when she ignores every call, he arrives at her place, looking for Stefan.

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