Chapter Thirty Eight

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"There is no living thing
that is not afraid
when it faces danger.
The true courage
is in facing danger
when you are afraid.
L. Frank Baum

Klaric watches as Damon spins Bri, the two having a secret conversation while Stefan and Elena dance not too far from them, Bonnie and Jeremy just passed them.

'You know about Bonnie's predicament, don't you?' Damon projects to Bri, the banshee smiling sadly as her twirling comes to an end.

'Nattmara told me that if Bonnie channels all that energy, to its full potential, which is needed to kill an Original, she will die,' Bri responds, 'But if she channels me as well, and uses me as an anchor as well as a source of more power, she has a greater chance of living.'

'And how does she do that?'

'I gave her my necklace,' the redhead explains as Damon spins her again, 'She can use a personal item as a talisman and use the connection it has with me to channel me.'

When Bri's spinning ends, and she's back in the raven haired vampire's arms, she can't help commenting, "You're pretty good at this."

"I've got moves you've never seen," Damon smirks in response.

The Salvatore brothers eyes meet, and a silent message passes between them, Damon quick to excuse himself, "Sorry Bri, but brother dearest needs me to babysit Elena."

"Go look after her," Bri waves him off, "I'll try to get Ric dancing."

"Good luck with that," Damon remarks as he reluctantly parts from the banshee and moves towards the doppelgänger.

Bri scans the room, and is quick to spot the history teacher, who hasn't moved much since she and Damon left him.

Klaric's gaze moves from Elena, and to Bri, who glides gracefully through the crowd of students, smiling politely at anyone who meets her eyes as she moves towards him.
As she emerges from the crowd, her leafy green eyes meet blue, and her mouth curves into a mischievous smirk.

"This is a dance, you know?" Bri reminds the man as she comes to a stop in front of him, "And since I am yet to see you dance..."

Trailing off, Bri offers her hand to Klaric, "Ric, would you like to dance? No is not an option, so your answer is yes."

"What's the point in asking then?" Klaric asks as he takes the woman's hand.
"It's the polite thing to do," Bri responds, laughter in her voice as she smiles up at the man, "Now don't just stand there; let's dance!"

A cover of Last Kiss plays in the background as Klaric places his right hand on the banshee's waist, her left hand resting on his shoulder as their free hands clasp together.

They sway to the music, and when they get comfortable with the rhythm, Klaric starts leading Bri, the two becoming more confident in their movements, and eventually Klaric is twirling Bri, who smiles and laughs throughout the experience.

"Look at you," the redhead comments as she returns to his arms, "You're dancing, and enjoying yourself!"

Klaric rolls his eyes, and, remembering something Katherine had told him, asks the banshee, "How's Jenna doing?"

Before she can respond, Damon is behind Bri and tapping her shoulder.

"We've got a situation," is all the raven haired vampire has to say before the banshee is apologising to the history teacher and excusing herself.

The Original watches as the older Salvatore brother leads the Byrne woman away from him, and he mentally kicks himself.
He isn't here to dance and enjoy himself; he's here to get the Bennett witch out of his way.

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