Chapter Fifteen

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"And her heart was the best part,
it would always calm the storm
for those who were afraid of a little rain."
R.M. Drake

The scream had no sooner left her lips, and Bri was shaking herself off, and reversing away from the tree she'd rolled into.
On the road again, Bri continues towards the hospital she'd been rushing to, with the knowledge that she is too late to prevent Caroline from dying.

But Bri could still help the newly dead teen.

Parking outside the hospital, Bri rushes into the building.
"Visiting hours are over," a nurse calls to her, but Bri smiles politely at her before raising her hands.
The scarlet glow surrounds her as the energy spreads throughout the hospital, repeating her illusionary abilities from Miss Mystic Falls.

This time however, no one would be able to see her.

The nurse looks around, before shaking her head and walking off.
Bri traverses the hallways of the hospital, enterine Caroline's room in no time.

The blonde teen lays dead on the hospital bed, the pillow still placed on her face.
Bri sits on the edge of the bed, moving the pillow to its original position under Caroline's head, before realisation hits her.

Caroline is going to need blood.

Moving away from the bed again, Bri moves through the hospital, searching for a blood bag.
Finding a fridge with multiple blood bags inside, Bri takes two, unsure of the appetite of a transitioning vampire.

Back in Caroline's room, Bri sets the blood bags down in the small bathroom, in case a nurse came in to check on the girl; which would be bad in any case because she was dead.

After a few more minutes of waiting, Caroline starts shifting around, signalling to Bri that she's about to wake up.
Suddenly, Caroline jolts up, sitting up quickly, causing Bri to jump back in fright, subsequently tumbling off the bed.

"Ow, shit," Bri groans from the floor, causing Caroline to lean over to look at the banshee, who was laying on her back, cradling her elbow.
"I'll never get why they call it a funny bone when it hurts so much," Bri grumbles while sitting up, causing Caroline to smile before shaking her head in confusion.

"What happened?"
"There's no nice way to say this so I'm going to get straight to the point," Bri says, before her voice softens, "You died. You're dead, and you were killed by Elena's doppelganger named Katherine."

"Doppel-what-now," Caroline asks, before exhaling, "I'm dead."
"Yeah, I felt it," Bri reveals to the teen, "It was dreadful."
"How did you feel it?"
"I'm a banshee," Bri answers the younger blonde, "and you are now a vampire in transition. Damon, Stefan, and Katherine are also vampires, but they're much older than us."

"Vampire," Caroline starts, "like Edward Cullen?"
"You don't sparkle," Bri negates, "The sun burns you, but you do feed on blood."

"God, I'm so hungry," Caroline blurts, "and something smells delicious."
"I'm pretty sure that's me," Bri admits, "But don't worry, I've got something else for you to eat, or drink, I guess?"

Bri goes to the bathroom, returning with a blood bag.
"A bag of o negative," Bri says whilst passing the bag to Caroline, "This next bit should come naturally I think."
Caroline studies the bag, before turning to face Bri again, "What bit?"


Caroline lifts the blood bag to her face slowly and unsurely, before drinking from it. Her face morphs into disgust, and she throws it to the ground.
Bri picks it up, giving it back to the teen, "I know it's strange, but I'm pretty sure you'll get used to it."

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