Chapter Twenty Eight

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"There's only one thing
more precious than our time
and that's who we spend it on."
Leo Christopher

"We need to test Elena," Bri states as soon as Bonnie and Jeremy join the group sitting in the Salvatore Boarding House living room.

Rose and Trevor nod in agreement, Katherine and Damon simultaneously rolling their eyes and nodding along, Stefan grimacing as he nods, Bonnie and Jeremy sharing a knowing look before nodding as well.

Bri giggles at everyone's synchronised agreement, Damon smiling at the sound; causing Katherine to scowl at him.
That interaction causing the other vampires, the witch, and the humans to express amusement in various ways while the banshee is distracted by a text.

From Liz:
CPS and I are going to start the investigation into the Martin case at around midday.
We both think it would be best if you are around to both mediate and help Skylar feel comfortable.

To Liz:
I'll meet you at the Martin house.

"Kit," Bri starts, ending the face off between Katherine and Damon, and turning everyone's attention back to her, "Please get the moonstone for me."

The vampire doppelgänger speeds outside, before hastily returning and digging through the banshee's bag for her car keys, and promptly speeding back outside once she finds them.

Bri smiles fondly at Katherine when she returns, moonstone in hand.

"Shut up," Katherine scowls, although it's only a second before she's smiling too.
"Moonstone me," Bri demands with a joking tone, Katherine rolling her eyes as she tosses the stone to the blonde, the rest of the group amused at the whole interaction.

"Bon, Jer," Bri calls, directing her attention to the two teens, "You two are on Elena testing duty. And by Elena testing duty, I mean Bonnie talking about finding a way to remove the spell while making the fact that she has the stone obvious to Elena. She put it in her bag, makes an excuse to leave the room, and leave Elena in the room with the moonstone, alone. When Elena leaves the room, either Bonnie or Jeremy will check the bag for the moonstone."

"What if she leaves before we can stop her?" Jeremy asks.

"You know how you spelled the room at the masquerade ball," Bri directs at Bonnie.
When the Bennett witch nods, the banshee continues, "Would you be able to spell the Gilbert house like that, in a way that only affects Elena."

"How long would it need to be up?" Bonnie asks, knowing she can do it.

"Depends on whether Elena takes the bait or not," Bri responds with a smirk, Bonnie returning one while Jeremy laughs at the two.

"And what about the rest of us?" Stefan asks.

"Today is your off day," Bri jokes, "You are free to do as you wish."
Turning to Rose and Trevor, Bri states, "You two should go out, have some fun, but be careful."
Bri then turns to Katherine, "Unfortunately, Kit, if you want to go out, you'll need to in the next town over; I trust you, but I can't have any confusions or mistakes regarding Elena."

Finally setting her gaze on the Salvatore brothers, Bri states, "You two can do whatever. If Elena is stuck in her house, feel free to taunt her."

At that, Damon grins while Stefan rolls his eyes.

The raven haired vampire's grin disappears though, as Bri's eyes start glowing red.

"Hi," a blonde stranger greets the two remaining Lockwoods.
"Hi," Tyler responds politely, albeit slightly confused.

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