Chapter Nine

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"I know a lot of you dislike maths, but it's needed for many important things like medicine, engineering, et cetera, et cetera," Bri says to the classroom full of students.

The blonde was 'promoted' to teaching maths, but still keeps her position as counsellor.

The bell rings, and the teens race out of her class. They don't make the class difficult to teach, but they also show no interest.
Truth be told, if you ask the students why they worked in the maths class, some boys would say it's because the teacher's hot, some girls would say it's because she's kind, and the others would say that they liked the teacher, just not the class; so they would still try to pay attention.

And Bri was grateful for that, knowing how much some of the other teachers struggle to manage their classes.

"They don't seem to like you very much," Bri hears from across the class.
"I'm pretty sure it's the work they don't like very much," Bri replies, causing her visitor to snort, "Nobody likes maths."

"I kind of do," Bri admits, shrugging her shoulders, sorting out the papers on her desk.
"That's because you're weird."
"Oh, har-har," Bri says, "To what do I owe the pleasure, Damon?"
"I can't just visit my friend at her work?"

Bri turns to him, and smiles, "Is the big bad vampire worried about little old me?"
"Pfft, sure," Damon denies, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to infiltrate the council with me."

"The vampire hating council, made of founding family members? I don't think they'd let me join their club," Bri says, laughing lightly.
"Mhmm, they usually wouldn't," Damon admits, "But I spoke to Sheriff Forbes about it, and argued that the council could always use an extra person, especially an intelligent one."

"Aww, you think I'm smart," Bri teases, causing Damon to roll his eyes.
"Will you infiltrate the council with me?" Damon asks Bri, and when he sees the look in her eyes, he looks at the floor, and huffs, "Please."

Bri laughs, "This must be really important for Damon Salvatore to say please, so of course. I will join you in infiltrating the vampire-hating council."
"Great," Damon says, clasping his hands together, "There's a meeting later today, I'll pick you up for it."

The bell rings, signalling the beginning of the next lesson, and Damon takes it as his queue to leave.

When the school day finally finished, Bri drove home in her impala.

Arriving home, she notices Damon is already there, leaning against his car parked on the pavement, leaving her driveway open for her.

"Just let me drop my stuff inside," Bri says, and jogs to her front door; unlocking it, and putting her laptop bag and extra file on the floor by her door.
She locks her door, and jogs back towards Damon.

The vampire opens the passenger door for Bri, and closes it once she's seated. He then speeds around the car and into his own seat.

"Who would've guessed Damon Salvatore was a gentleman," Bri teases the raven haired vampire.
"Who would've guessed Brianna Byrne would be joking with a vampire," Damon retorted, earning a scoff from Bri.
"Your quips are usually so much better," she tsks.

"Let's just get to this council meeting," Damon groans, and starts the journey to the Founders Hall.

The Sheriff starts the meeting with, "The coroner's office has officially ruled Vicki Donovan's death a drug overdose. Her family has been notified, the truth will stay in this room and we can put this behind us."

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