Chapter Thirty Four

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"It is not the strongest
of the species that survives,
nor the most intelligent,
but the one most responsive to change.
Charles Darwin

Abruptly turning towards the vampire, the blonde says kindly, "Now come on, it's time for dessert."

Everyone takes a seat at the dining room table, Bri placing the apple crumble where the lasagne had been before.
She disappears back to the kitchen for a moment, and reappears with a carton of vanilla ice cream, and some cream.

"Homemade Swedish apple crumble," Bri states, "Not too different from your typical apple crumble; pretty much the only difference is that this one has cardamom in it."

Glancing at each person with a smile, Bri continues, "So, as my mom used to say, 'Smaklig måltid'!"

"The Swedish equivalent for 'Bon appétit'," Elijah translates as Bri starts serving dessert, "Although both generally refer to the entire meal, not the various courses."

"Yes, well, my mom thought there was no such thing as too many wishes for good food," Bri laughs, "She used to tell me that saying it before each dish would make it better, and the dishes that would follow. Of course, I believed it because I was young, and dessert was last, so it was obviously the best dish served."

"Oh please," Damon starts after eating a bite of his serving, "Dessert is still the best dish served for you; you're constantly consuming something sugary."

"Piss off," the banshee responds, having to resist the urge to toss a scoop of ice cream at the vampire as she continues serving.

"He's not wrong," Skylar shrugs with a smile, "I mean, what adult gets milkshakes instead of coffee, or even tea."

Bri finishes dishing out the apple crumble, finally getting herself a plate and taking her seat next to Damon.
"I did not slave away over tonight's meal just for you two to gang up on me," Bri jokes as she settles in.

"Well, Trevor and I highly appreciate your slaving away," Rose comments gratefully, Trevor nodding and humming in agreement, his mouth too full for him to agree verbally.

Elijah watches the table's interactions with intrigue, the atmosphere magnetic, and conversation amiable and inclusive to all, including John- who Elijah had found was highly disliked.

And as he observes the behaviour, he realises the living prophecy sitting at the table surpasses every single one of his expectations; probably surpassing the expectations of witches worldwide.

Brianna Byrne could be his brother's destruction.
Or, more likely, his salvation.


Skylar, Jenna, and Bri stand in the kitchen, the former two washing dishes while the latter cleans up the kitchen- returning it to how it looked before she started cooking.

'You both know about the supernatural world,' Bri telepathically announces, not wanting to keep the status of the two humans knowledge a secret to the other.

The two recipients share a quick glance, Jenna thinking, 'Didn't you want the fact that I know to be a secret?'

'I think it'll be good for Sky to know that you know,' Bri says, adding after a moment, 'And Damon too, probably.'
Skylar able to hear the exchange and commenting, 'I think it's good that you know. But I don't wanna keep Damon in the dark about this.'

'It's so strange hearing voices in my head,' Jenna muses, Bri smiling in response.
'I don't mind Damon or Skylar, or even Rose and Trevor knowing,' Jenna reveals, 'I just don't want Ric to know that I know; I want to see how long he'll keep lying to me... I want him to trust me enough to tell me the truth.'

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