Chapter Forty-Seven

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"There is virtue in work
and there is virtue in rest.
Use both and overlook neither.
Alan Cohen

"Where is Bri's necklace?"

Skylar eyes the banshee's bare neck, "She was wearing it when she got here, and it was still there a few minutes ago."

"So where did it go?" Katherine prompts as she starts searching the living room for the necklace she'd anonymously gifted the woman many moons ago.

'I gave it to Stefan,' Bri's voice resounds through all five of the Salvatore Boarding House's occupants' minds, 'for good luck.'

"Oh, Bria," Katherine sighs in relief, her tense shoulders relaxing immediately.

Rose and Trevor join the rest downstairs as Bri's eyes flutter open and she slowly pulls herself up.

"For the record," the redhead announces with a rough voice as she sits up, "my preferred cause of death is still having my neck snapped. It's much quicker than exsanguination and much less painful than my throat being ripped open."

Katherine laughs airily as she pulls the woman into a tight embrace.

As soon as the brunette moves, Skylar takes her place, wrapping her arms around Bri and squeezing as tightly as possible, murmuring into her shoulder, "No dying or disappearing for a while, okay?"

Bri chuckles but nods in agreement nonetheless.

Green eyes settle on Damon, and the raven-haired vampire slowly closes the distance between them, embracing the redhead and whispering, "Thank you."

When the vampire pulls away, Bri raises her eyebrows as she takes in the blood-covered front of his shirt.

"I don't remember that being there before I died," she remarks inquisitively, "So... What the hell happened?"


"Oh, Kit," Bri sighs wistfully, beaming at the sight of the Swedish casserole, her favourite childhood meal, "Flygande Jakob! You shouldn't have."

Damon eyes the dish dubiously, "That is one weird-ass looking casserole."

"It won't be to everyone's tastes, I'm sure," Bri nods, "Basically, Flygande Jakob—or Flying Jacob in English—is a Swedish casserole made with chicken, cream, chilli sauce, bananas, roasted peanuts and bacon

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"It won't be to everyone's tastes, I'm sure," Bri nods, "Basically, Flygande Jakob—or Flying Jacob in English—is a Swedish casserole made with chicken, cream, chilli sauce, bananas, roasted peanuts and bacon. Odd sounding, I know.

"So, while we both like it, neither Kit nor I will take it as a personal affront if you don't," the redhead concludes with a chuckle, "I'll order pizza for those who don't like it."

The group of six settles at the dining room table comfortably, and Katherine starts dishing.

Bri immediately shovels food into her mouth, much to her companions' amusement.

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