Chapter Five

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Sheila Bennett studies the dirty blonde laying on the couch, as her eyes and hands glow red. The witch places a wet towel on the unconscious girls forehead, and quickly gets a book off a shelf.

Containing the various abilities banshees can have, as well as the most famous banshee stories, the Bennett witch flips to a chapter about three sisters.

Refreshing her knowledge, Sheila prepares an explanation, and how to help, for when the girl awakens.

While the young banshee is unconscious, Lexi is staked by Damon, a not so dead Logan Fell makes an appearance, and the replacement history teacher ends up being much more than just a teacher.

Brianna's eyes flutter open and closed, as she struggles to reel her mind into reality. The red glow dissipates, and Sheila observes as the banshee looks around wearily.

"You've had quite the nap," the witch announces, catching the attention of the young woman.
"Who are you? Where am I?"

"I'm Sheila Bennett-" the witch says, but Bri's eyes flash with recognition.
"-Bonnie's Grams. I'm Brianna Byrne. Can you help me?"

"Yes, my child," Sheila says, while helping the banshee sit, and taking a seat across from her.

"Banshees are rare, but powerful," the witch starts, "but there was a group of three that were known to be the most powerful. These three were sisters, each with similar abilities that complemented each others. The two younger sisters turned against the eldest, who was the most feared."

"If they were all known as the most powerful," Brianna asks slowly, "why was one the most feared?"

Sheila smiles at the young woman, "Because she could play with your mind. These sisters were living in Europe, and the eldest became known as 'Nattmara' or nightmare. She could enter your mind, and make you see whatever she wanted. She disorientated the person, while her sisters would finish the task."

"Why turn against her?"

"The two sisters believed they could take her power from her, and even though they schemed against one, they were both going to turn against one another after they had done it," the witch says calmly.

"Was taking her power even possible?"

"Yes. But what the younger sisters didn't know, was that Nattmara was carrying a child. When they discovered this, they believed this would make Nattmara more vulnerable, underestimating her will to have the child. The younger sisters waited until she was supposed to be her weakest- the birth of the baby."

"They were willing to kill her and the baby?"

"Yes. Not all babies from banshees are banshees, but that will be important later. As Nattmara lay, giving birth to this baby, her sisters attacked her. So she entered their minds, and played them their worst fears, all while delivering her baby."

"Did she die?"

"All three of them did. Nattmara held her baby close to her, listening as the voices told her that this baby was not to be a banshee, but one of her descendants would continue the sisters legacy. She died with her baby in her arms, a human friend of hers taking the baby away before the sisters were released from being prisoners in their own minds."

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