Let It Out, Let It Go.

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(2nd Edit)


All the way to my apartment I was silent. I didn't say anything, I just sat in the backseat of the taxi, staring blankly out the window and watching the trees as the car drove past. The sun streamed down on my face and I could feel its warmth on my skin. On the inside however I was cold as an iceberg. The harsh words Allan used when he broke off our relationship resonated in my mind over and over again like a broken record.

"I'm in love with someone else."

"Kalli and I have been in love for the longest while."

"I'm really sorry Jas, but we're done."

They reminded me we were no longer together, reminded me that I was all alone and reminded me that he was gone; sleeping in the arms of another woman. How could he do this to me? To us?

"Here we are lassie," the taxi driver's warm voice brought me to awareness and I looked up and saw we were at my apartment. I wearily dug through my bag to find my wallet so I could pay him. I found the lone twenty dollar and handed it to him.

"Keep the change," I mumbled as I gathered my belongings and stepped out on the pavement where men and women were busily walking around with their groceries, their spouses and their kids under the mid-afternoon Brooklyn sunshine.

I trudged up the steps leading to my floor and walked through the door. Now that I was jobless I had no way to pay my rent. With cable, Wi-fi, gas, electricity, trash collection and laundry — not to mention air conditioning, since heat waves in New York were hot enough to kill, literally — everything came up two thousand, five hundred dollars.

I only had fifteen hundred in my bank account since I had to buy new school supplies and I had to stock up on groceries. I had planned on asking Allan for a thousand dollars so I could add it to what I had, but since he was too busy screwing his new woman I didn't bother. Shaking the unpleasant thought from my mind I turned the key in my door and went in.

Dropping everything carelessly on the floor, I went straight to my living room and collapsed on the sofa. I hadn't been sitting for ten minutes when a knock was heard at the door.
"Come in," I said weakly as I took off my jacket and draped it over the back of the sofa.

Sadie walked in with a bag of potatoe chips in her arms and a bottle of wine and when she saw me, she made her way over and put everything on the coffee table. As usual she was all dolled up and yet still managed to keep her natural beauty. It was a fascinating sight.

The leopard print off-the-shoulder top complimented her chestnut brown eyes and the black leggings fit her perfectly as did the five inch heels, which gave her some added height. Her thick, hazel brown hair was pulled into a messy braid that dropped over her shoulder and reached just under her breasts.

"Alright Jas I got your message, what's up? Your bitchy landlady giving you a hard time again? If so I can punch her in the nose for you," Sadie offered as she opened up the bag of chips. Tucking my legs under me, I pulled my hair loose of the ponytail and began massaging my scalp with my fingers. "If it were that easy Sadie I'd have done it myself a long time ago."

"What do you mean? What's wrong?"

Not wanting to keep my heart wrenching breakup bottled up inside any longer, I threw myself on Sadie and started to cry. Alarmed, she put the bag on the table and wrapped her arms around me and started to stroke my hair. "Jas what's wrong? Did something happen in school? In work? Tell me what happened."

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