My Persian Flower.

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I stayed in my room for the remainder of the day, coming out for food and going back in. My door was locked and my curtains were pulled. I didn't want to see anyone after the embarrassment I caused myself earlier. Not Sadie, not Riley and certainly not Valentino. I just...wanted to be alone for a little while.

It was after six in the evening and I was lying on my bedroom floor, my eyes closed, my headphones in my ears and the things I  got from earlier today, spread out on my bed. Macey, Rama and Annie had gone home hours ago after Valentino blew their brains out for insulting me. Their brothers left shortly after.

Damen took Sadie out for date night since her day was ruined by Macey and her pack of wolves. Riley was working in the infirmary, Carson and Nicole left with Xavier to go home, Felix went on a job with Bryce, Mr Guerrero was having drinks with his brother and Dario took Annalise and the kids to a movie.

Only Valentino and I had nothing to do.

"Ms Petrova, can you come downstairs for a minute?" a maid  called from behind the door. Carol I think. Or maybe Kaley.
"What is it?" I asked wearily, trying not to sound snappy.
"I can't say, can you come down please? Mr Guerrero's orders,"

Taking my headphones out, I got up off the floor and opened the door. As predicted there stood Carol, wearing her maid's uniform.
"What the matter wrong? Did something happen?" I inquired.
"You'll know everything soon Ms Petrova," she urged as she walked down the darkened hallway.

Not having a choice I went along with her, praying that whatever it was she was calling me for, would be over soon so I could go back to my room. When we reached the dining room I saw Valentino standing there.

"You called for me Valentino?" I asked.
"We have visitors," he said clenching his fists at his sides.

I raised my eyebrows and turned around, a most unpleasant sight met my eyes. Facing us was Father, Andriana and a few of their bodyguards. I inhaled sharply and forced myself to smile.

Today's not a good day for me Dad, don't fuck with me.

"Jasmine, it's been too long, how are you my child?" Father asked putting his hands in his pockets and looking intently at me.
"I'm good Dad. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I smiled.
"As you know, when there is a marriage in our family, the parents of the bride or groom hosts an engagement party for the couple. We have come to invite you to it," he informed.

Shit I forgot all about that tradition.

"Who else will be attending?" I wanted to know.
"As the majority of our family are in Colombia, it'll just be Andriana, Kazimir and myself as well as Anthony, Nancy and Xavier. And your future in-laws," he said, putting emphasis on in-laws.
"Does Mom know about my wedding or have you conveniently forgotten to mention that to her?"

"Of course Mother knows about your wedding silly girl. We told her and she insisted she wanted to come meet you. Why wouldn't she? You are her favourite after all," Andriana sneered.
"I'm her favourite? How dare you?! Mom loved all of us equally. Father is the one who shows favoritism!" I retorted.

"I showed favoritism? I loved you and your siblings, I gave you everything you could ever ask for and more!" Father yelled.
"And by that, don't you mean you put money where parental love and affection was supposed to be? You were hardly home and when you were, it was spent fighting with Mom! And that's why I left home! You were never there when we needed you!" I yelled back.

"Don't raise your voice to me Catarina! I am your father and you will respect me as such!"
"Respect is earned over time, not given over night! Isn't that what you preached to us when we were children?!"

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