The Humanity Inside.

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(2nd Edit)


"What were you doing seducing a girl from the Petrova family? 
Sciocco, hai perso la testa del cazzo?!" Damen shouted.
(You fool, have you lost your fucking mind?!)

I was sitting at the kitchen table with a cigarette in my hand with Damen standing in front of me, shouting and gesturing angrily with his hands. Father was simply having a glass of whiskey, listening and observing.

"Damen we didn't do anything, can you calm the fuck down please?" I asked in irritation as I took a drag of my cigarette.
"I can't calm down! You're setting a trap for yourself Valentino. You're a Guerrero bird plucking its own feathers in readiness for the Petrova cat who wants to eat it!" he exclaimed.

"Does it look like Jasmine wanted to hurt me or anyone in the family Damen? She pushed Dean out of the way of a bullet, she plays games and watches movies with Ryan and Rachel, she got them lunch without poison. She cares for Alec as though he were her own and she doesn't do anything that remotely suggests she wants to betray us," I said, trying to reason with my suspiciously paranoid brother.

"It's an act Valentino! It's all an act. She wants us to think she's so sweet, loving and caring so she could gain our trust. Then when we least expect it, she'll stab us in the back and run back to Colombia with her family! I don't trust her, I can never trust a Petrova!" he yelled as he hurled a glass against the wall and stormed out of the room.

"Go after him Valentino, the boy is irrational. God knows what he'll do to her," Father said lowly.
Growling out of frustration I dropped my cigarette and left the kitchen. Damen was nowhere to be seen. Nevermind that, I knew exactly where the hot-headed bastard was going.


"So you seduced my brother-in-law hmm? On top of the kitchen counter, out in the open?" Sabrina asked with a sly smile.
"I didn't seduce him, we just kissed that's all," I said blushingly.
"Why didn't you take a picture Sabrina?" Annalise groaned as she sank onto my bed. "I would've loved to see for myself."

While Sabrina was dragging me to my room, we had bumped into Annalise and Dario who were going to the pool to relax. When told about my and Valentino's moment, they abandoned the pool and joined us for some juicy gossip. Stupid Sabrina.

"I didn't have my phone with me, and besides they were locked in such a passionate embrace when we walked in. I didn't want to ruin their moment," she giggled.
"I'm surprised to hear this. I never thought Valentino would do something like that. That too with Jasmine," Dario murmured.

"What do you mean?" I wanted to know. "Valentino is an insanely attractive man, surely this sort of thing happens all the time?"
"No. This is the first time Tino has been romantically involved with another woman since...that incident."
"Did the woman he was with have an affair with another man?"
"No one likes to talk about it, it happened some years ago and it's still a painful memory," Sabrina said with sigh.

"I understand. Don't talk about it if you don't want to. Painful memories aren't worth being revived," I said sympathetically.
"You're so different Jasmine. Much different than any other woman who passed through this place," Annalise remarked.  "You're empathetic, considerate and you care for us despite what we do for a living. You're so grac-"

"Cut the bullshit Annalise! It's just a matter of time before that  sweet caring persona of hers is revealed as fake!"

All of us jumped when Damen burst through my door, his face furious and his body shaking with unconcealed rage. "Get away from her Sabrina. You're my wife and I am your husband. You have an marital obligation to me," he said as he pulled a pistol out of his pocket and aimed it at me.

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