No Time To Debate In Life And Death.

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(2nd Edit)


It was total and complete discord!

While I was walking down the hall, men and women with guns and grenade launchers were running past me, shouting to each other in Italian. The Mexicans were shooting at the mansion from outside and I could hear them cursing in the most repulsive manner. Just as I turned another corner, I saw Annalise running towards me, a frantic look in her eyes.

"Jasmine, have you seen Ryan and Rachel? They were outside playing an hour ago and I haven't seen them since the shootout started," she exclaimed tearfully.
"It's okay Annalise, I'll help you find them," I said soothingly.
"Please hurry Jasmine, they're my babies, I can't lose them."
"Nothing is going to happen to Ryan and Rachel Annalise, I won't let anything happen to them, I promise."

Believing my words, Annalise wiped her eyes and ran past me and I continued on my way. In their haste to get outside, someone bumped into me and the gun Valentino gave me fell out of my pocket. I picked it up and debated leaving it behind, but for some reason I found myself sticking it back in my pocket.

I doubt there would be any need for me to use it, but it was like as Sabrina said: there's no time to debate in life and death.


"These fucking bastards must be off their rockers! They're shooting at the mansion like it's a trash can in a deserted ally!" Damen yelled as he shot at a man with his SMG- 45 UMP pistol from behind the wall of the mansion, being careful not to get in the line of fire.

I was on the other side with Dario and Riley and we were shooting any Mexican who came within six feet of our range. Riley despite being a sweet, kindhearted woman, when push came to shove, she was the baddest bitch you ever met. With a gun she was unstoppable. So far she'd killed six Mexicans and didn't have a spot of blood on her clothes.

Dario, with his semi automatic rifle, killed five and I eight. I learned from experience that Mexicans were ruthless bastards. If you killed someone from their clan, they'd hunt you down and kill any and everyone who played a part in that person's death.

My good friend Rico killed a Mexican man who threatened his son  and they found out two days later. They killed Rico's wife as well as her three children and burnt the house to the ground. Rico was devastated. I swore I'd never let something like that happen to me, my family or anyone who I was close with.

At that time the Mexicans didn't dare cross the Sangue Mafia since they knew the extent of our ruthlessness and what we did to those who crossed us. Now that they sided with other Mafias they were getting braver. I would have none if it. I'd shoot them down like rabid animals before I allowed them to push us around.

"Damen, lancia una granata a quei bastardi! Stanno iniziando a rimanere senza munizioni!" I shouted to be heard above the gunfire.
(Damen throw a grenade at the bastards! They're starting to run out of ammo)

"Roger that! Soffocate con un cazzo, puttane messicane!" Damen pulled the pin off a grenade and tossed it on the east side of the lawn where the majority of them were situated.
(Choke on a dick you Mexican bitches!)

A loud boom was heard as the genade hit one of their cars and exploded, sending pieces of human flesh flying everywhere. The rest of our men who were waiting behind the mansion ran out on the lawn and jumped over the walls and started shooting every Mexican they came into contact with.

Riley, Dario, Damen and I jumped out of our hiding spots and started to assault them with our knives. I slashed a man's throat and dropped his body on the ground then moved on to the next one. I was about to shoot him in his head when a bullet hit him from above. I glanced up and saw that it was Sabrina, lying on a tree branch with her M24 sniper rifle.

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