Compatible As The Sun And Moon: Part Two.

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After my bath, I brushed my teeth and put my hair in two loose braids and tossed them over my shoulder. Exiting the bathroom, I went to our dresser and took out a pink thongs and matching silk chemise: my sleeping apparel for the night. Damen was already in bed, reading a book while he waited for me to join him.

When he saw me coming, he put the book down and turned on his side. "Did you enjoy your bath?"
"It was quite relaxing. The drive from Brooklyn to Adirondacks was so exhausting," I yawned as I fluffed my pillow and stretched my body along the lenght of the massive king size bed.
"And what about the baby?"

A smile appeared on my face and my hand moved down to my stomach and I gently caressed the still flat surface. "The baby's just fine. I can't feel him, but I know he's there."
"He?" Damen asked teasingly. "How do you know it's not a girl?"
I shrugged my shoulder and let out another yawn. "I don't know, maybe I just want the baby to be a boy."
"And why would you want the baby to be a boy? Why not a girl?"

Turning over on my side, I looked straight into my husband's eyes, my own eyes full of warmth and longing. "I want the baby to be a boy so he can look handsome just like his Dad."

With pure love in his eyes, Damen tilted his head down and kissed me passionately on my lips. His hand crept to the back of my head and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped both my arms around his neck and draped my leg over him. Sleep and fatigue forgotten, Damen climbed on top of me and slowly pulled off his T-shirt, exposing his muscular arms and lean stomach.

"Do you know what I want the baby's gender to be?" he murmured.
"Mmm, a boy? So you can teach him all the things a father teaches his son? Like how to kick a ball, how to ride a bike and how to protect his sister or girl cousins?" I guessed.

He shook his head and put his mouth close to my ear. "I want the baby to be a girl, do you want to know why?"
"Tell me," I whispered.
"I want the baby to be a girl, so-" he paused for a minute to place his hand over my stomach. I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes, loving this feeling. "so she can look beautiful like her mother."

Whimpering softly, I laid still as my husband began rubbing my stomach in circular motions through the thin material that covered my body. I loved the gentleness, the warmth and the deep intimacy we shared. I also loved when he gave me his undivided attention, tending to my every need no matter how big or small.

"I love you Sabrina. You're my whole world, my life. And now, our baby is too. I'll do anything to protect you— both of you," he promised. "And when he or she, is born, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, happy. I will love you unconditionally and nothing or no one will ever harm you. This I swear."

Hearing the loving, earnest words spoken by my husband, my heart leapt and I could feel butterflies floating in my stomach. Placing both my hands on his cheeks, I kissed him tenderly on his lips and hugged him, my eyes glistening with tears of happiness.

"And I love you Damen, with all my heart, mind and soul. Not only are you my husband, you're my life, my light and my love. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you and our baby. I will do everything I can to be the perfect wife and the perfect mother. I'll protect you both with my life, and come hell or high water, I will never leave you."

He smiled lovingly at me and before I could say any more, he bent his head to give me another kiss. With a sigh, I opened my mouth and his tongue dove in. With our eyes closed, and our breathing increasing with each passing second, we engaged in a bit of tongue wrestling. After a full minute, we stopped and laid back down, basking in each other's warmth, love and affection.

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