Baby You're Such A Tease: Part Two

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"Does anyone know where Damen is? He promised to massage my back for me, has anyone seen him?!" I groaned as I laid on my back in our room with a glass of lime water in my hand and three cushions under my lower back. For the past few days I've been suffering with pain in my lower back, on and off nausea and constant fatigue.

In addition to that I've had morning sickness twice in a row, mood swings and my blood pressure's been skyrocketing. As a result of all that's been happening in the family, I've passed it off as stress. Damen's been holed up in Valentino's office nearly every day, Dean and Felix have been in a lot of pain with their not yet healed injuries and the heat and noise have had everyone miserable.

"Hey Sabrina are you okay? I heard you groaning all the way from my room," Dean said walking into my room.
"Have you seen Damen Dean? My back is killing me and I need him to rub it for me. Have you seen him?" I asked.
"He's in a meeting with Dad and Uncle Luciano. Shall I call him?"
"No, if he's in a meeting don't disturb him. I'll wait until he's done."

"Bryce you bastard! Where did you put my Xbox?!" I heard Felix yell from downstairs.
"How the hell am I supposed to know?!" Bryce yelled back.
"Because you borrowed it yesterday to play Call Of Duty. Where the fuck did you put it?!" 
"Felix I told you not to fucking curse in front of Ryan and Rachel!" Dario reprimanded.

"You're telling him not to curse in front of the kids and you're doing it?" Annalise shouted. "Come on Dario!"
"All of you shut the fuck up! I have a headache damnit!"
"If you have a headache Riley, go in your damn room and close the fucking door!" Bryce retorted.

"Stop cursing in front of my children! I'll kick all of your asses if I hear them utter one curse word!"
"If you don't want them to repeat any curse words Annalise, just take them out of the fucking room!" Riley snorted.
"Riley don't you dare speak to my wife that way!"
"Then tell your wife not to act like she's our friggin mother Dario!"
"What the fuck did I say about cursing in front of my children!"
"Good job in breaking your own rule Annalise!"

"I'm missing Jas and Tino," I murmured as I took a sip of my lime water, cringing at the sour taste.
"I'm missing them too," Dean agreed. "They'd better hurry and get back home, this place is starting to resemble a fucking asylum."


"Now this is what newly weds do on their honeymoon. Lounge by the pool with their spouses, munch on delicious snacks and absorb the peace and quiet of the afternoon," I sighed as I leaned back in the jacuzzi, yawning ever so often as the heat was starting to make me sleepy.

Valentino chuckled and stretched his arm along the length of the outdoor jacuzzi— which was big enough for at least six people— and beckoned me to come to him, saying, "Come to me my beautiful Persian flower."

I obliged and crawled towards him, a playfully innocent look in my baby blues. When his arms snaked around me I leaned my head down and connected our lips, planting myself on his midriff. Tangling my fingers in his wet hair I pulled gently at the soft curls and pressed my body further into him.

"Mmm, I can feel your dick poking my ass babe," I murmured.
"Clearly he's happy to see you, why not take him out to play?" his husky response had me giggling. Picking up a juicy maraschino cherry from the jar I snuck from the kitchen I held it to his lips and he opened his mouth to take it.

Me being the notorious tease I was, moved it away at the last minute and put it in my mouth instead. He raised a questioning brow and I mouthed 'sorry' then picked up another one. He opened his mouth again, but I repeated the action, grinning cheekily as I did.

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