The Mantle Comes Off.

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"Gracias mamá, muchas gracias por todo. Te amo mucho, más de lo que jamás sabrás," I said lovingly hugging Mom as we sat relaxing in the living room after having dinner.
(Thank you Mom, thank you so much for everything. I love you so much, more than you will ever know)

"Y te amo, mi princesita. Mi querida hija," she laughed.
(And I love you, my little princess. My darling daughter)
"Are you going to fuss over her all evening Mom? Don't I deserve some affection too?" Andrés whined.
"Oh hush, you see me everyday, your sister doesn't."
"If you miss her so much Mom, why not just move in with her? That way Kazimir won't-"

Mom suddenly pulled away and glanced sharply at Andrès. He immediately closed his mouth and lowered his head.
"That way Kazimir won't what?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"Won't have to pay for our new house. Your father, brother and I are moving to Brooklyn," she said hurriedly.

"What? Oh my God, that's great news Mom!" I exclaimed happily. "Why didn't you tell me? You had all day to."
"It was supposed to be a surprise," she murmured as she glanced discreetly at Valentino. "That's why we didn't say anything."

"I see. Is that why you made two of my favourite dishes? To surprise me with this news?"
"Guilty as charged."
I laughed delightedly and kissed Mom on her cheek. "This is the best day ever! I can't think of anything better."

Then a thought occured to me. There was something in my room that that I'm certain Mom would love.
"I'll be right back, I have to get something from my room," I excused myself and hurried upstairs to get it, not noticing the sad and teary look in Mom's eyes.


"Mom why did you lie to Jasmine? We're not moving to Brooklyn, we still live in Colombia, we're just staying with Kazimir and Andriana for a while. You told such a big," Andrès accused.
"Son you're too young, when you get older, you'll understand that all I do is for the benefit of you and your sister," I said lowly

"Where's the benefit in lying?" he asked frustratedly. "Jasmine has the right to know what Kazimir, Andriana and Father do to you, to me! Kazimir hurts us on a daily basis, he insults you, he forces me to participate in the family business and Andriana encourages it!"
"Andrés Sebastian Petrova, that is enough. Sit quietly and use your iPod. This discussion is over," I said warningly.

"This isn't a discussion Mom, this is you asking me to lie to Jasmine. To fool her into thinking we're happy living with them," he spat out. "The fact of the matter is, Kazimir is making our lives hell. He says and does what he wants and even though you're his wife, Father doesn't say shit to defend you!"

"Watch your mouth young man!" I rebuked as I rose off the sofa and shot him a look that screamed anger. "There are rules you are to follow regardless of where you are. I will not tolerate you using this tone of voice with me, especially not in front of your sister's future in-laws!"

Andrès also rose off the sofa where he sat next to Ryan and Rachel. "That's one thing you and Father have in common. You're much more concerned about public images than you are about morales and values."
I opened my mouth to object but he cut me off before I could.

"My sister was forced to leave home just to get away from the stress and toxicity of home life and you and Father always arguing in front or within hearing distance of us. I'm sure she spent her nights crying herself to sleep because of the guilt of leaving her family."

"What are you saying Andrès? Your sister left home to attend college. She was given a spot in St Francis and came to learn," I told him, trying my best not to raise my voice.
"That's probably the excuse she gave so she wouldn't hurt you when she wanted to leave," he snapped.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now