When Push Comes To Shove.

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I sat in my pristine office with a glass of Bacardi in my hand, taking occasional sips of the lime flavoured drink. Leaning back in my office chair I took a pull on my cigarette and blew the smoke towards the high gypsum ceiling, thoughts on how to effectively eradicate the Sangue Mafia floating through my mind.

I had sent CJ downtown today to give me an update on the Sangue Mafia. I've been surreptitiously watching them for weeks, sending my people out to gather intel on their operations.

My first target will be Valentino. Kill the king and his kingdom falls. What makes it better is, he doesn't have a queen. A king without a queen is weak, unstable and out of it. He doesn't have a woman by his side to support him, to fight with him and to give in to his pleasures. I had my queen. My beautiful wife.

Andriana was the same as me. Ruthless. Cruel. Ambitious. She was to marry Valentino, but knowing her gifts would only be wasted if she had that lowlife for a husband, I swooped in and seized my prize as how an eagle would its prey. I made a deal with Ivan: give me his daughter's hand in marriage and I will align the Colombian Mafia with Russian Mafia.

He was already aligned with the Italian Mafia, but I wasn't about to take no for an answer. Andriana was to be with Valentino yes, but I knew she needed a real man, like me. So whenever she was alone, I'd flirt with her and take her on little adventures, allow her the things Valentino never would, give her the things I knew she desired but couldn't have.

And gradually after a while, she flirted right back. I knew she desired me, but never cared to admit it to herself. Promising her the world, I had her wrapped around my finger and she knew it and accepted me. I convinced her to be with me. Everytime she left her parents' place she would come running to me like a child running to Disneyland.

We'd spend a few hours together and then she'd go to Valentino, pretend to love him and care for him. Then she'd leave him and come back to me. When I knew she was locked in my cage, never to leave even on her own free will, I made my move. Ivan gave me her hand after much deliberation, the fear of pissing off Valentino being the only stumbling block.

To seal the deal of our partnership, I bombed the Guerrero mansion, killed a few of their soldiers and wounded many. They were weakened significantly to a point where any Mafia could've picked them off if they choose to. Unfortunately they had a partnership with the Asian Mafia and the Asian Mafia had an alliance to the Chinese Mafia.

Even a drunken fool knew better than to piss off the Chinese Mafia.

"Baby I'm back."

I heard my wife before I saw her. She came into my office wearing a pink sundress. Her honey blonde curls cascaded down her back like a waterfall and her baby blue eyes were shining with mirth. I put down my Bacardi, put out my cigarette and leaned back in my chair, my body facing her.

"What is it love?" I asked opening up my arms to her. Twirling a strand of hair around her finger she approached and sat on the edge of the table. "They caught the man who was embezzling funds from the family account to his account. Hes downstairs."
"Oh really? Did they torture him yet?"
"Not yet, they wanted you to land the first blow," she said, taking a sip of my Bacardi, her tongue darting out to lick her lips.

With a chuckle I took the glass out of her hand and patted my thighs. She slid off the table and took a seat on my lap, her legs on either side of my thighs and her arms around my neck.
"Are you going to fuck me or are you going to tease me and make me beg like last time," she asked, stroking the stubble on my chin.

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