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"That's it for today's classes everyone, you may leave for lunch," Professor Thompson dismissed classes for the day and everyone started to pack up their belongings to leave.
"Oh my gosh, I thought Calculus would never end. Thank God it's lunch time," someone next to me said with a sigh.

"Yeah, Professor Thompson's classes are the longest," I agreed as I packed my Calculus textbook into my bag with my pencil case.
As I put my laptop away I searched the room for Morgan. We haven't spoken a word since Sunday, when Valentino came to pick me up at Veniero's Pastry Shop.

On Monday, I asked her if she'd like to have lunch with me, but she declined and went to sit by herself in the farthest corner of the cafeteria. On Tuesday when I arrived, she was in the library. I asked if she'd like to join me for a coffee, she declined once more and left the library so fast she almost smashed into the librarian.

She didn't come to school on Wednesday or Thursday on account that she wasn't feeling well. This morning she came in the middle of second period. Now she was sitting in the third row while I was in the second. When classes were over I waited until she left the room then followed her. She was in the hallway on the phone, and when I touched her shoulder, she spun sharply around.

"Hey Morgan, how are you feeling?" I asked with a smile.
"I'm fine thank you. I just caught a sore throat, nothing to be concerned about," she said lowly.
"Oh no. If you want I have Ricola mints in my bag," I offered.
"No thanks I already took something,"
"Oh okay. I'm gonna head to the cafè for lunch, wanna come?"

"I'm fine, don't concern yourself with me. I don't need your help," she said a little flustered as she gathered her bag and turned to make a hasty exit, while I stood there, dumbfounded. Shaking my head I went to the bathroom to brush my hair before I went out.

Reaching into my bag, I took out my hairbrush and began to pass it through my thick curls. I was halfway through the task when I heard a girl's heartbroken sobs behind me. Stopping what I was doing, I turned around and saw that the crying was coming from behind the closed door of the cubicle. Not wanting to disturb whoever was there, I continued brushing my hair.

When I was satisfied with the neatness I washed my hands and dried them on a paper towel. Just as I was about to leave, the door opened and out came the girl who was crying. She had waist length coffee brown hair, a tanned complexion and a slim figure. I observed her attire: a pink bodycon skirt with a white camisole blouse and black knee high boots.

I never saw her in any of my classes so I guessed she was either new or I just never recognized her. St Francis College was pretty expansive and there were a lot of classrooms, many of which I've never even explored properly. As I was a freshman, there were some places we weren't allowed to go. This girl looked to be in her early twenties, most likely a junior or a sophomore.

"Excuse me, do you have any Advil?" she asked, sniffling slightly while wiping her eyes with a tissue.
"Sure, I'll give you one," I said reaching into my bag for the medicine to give to the poor girl.

"I hate my life, it''s so unfair," she whispered as she hugged herself with her arms.
"Why? Did something happen?" I asked in concern.
She took out a bottled water, tore open the packet and swallowed down the Advil in one gulp.

"I..I just got a text from my boyfriend. He..he said that he doesn't want to with me anymore because he found another girl who he likes..he broke up with me today," she wailed.
My eyes widened and I leaned against the counter, shock written all over my face. He broke up with her...over a text? That prick.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now