Decisions, Decisions.

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(2nd Edit)


She desired me.

The way her lips moved against mine, the heat, the passion, the lust—it was all there. As small as it was it was there. She was slowly starting to open herself up to me, her mouth itself was an open invitation and I eagerly seized it. While I was walking through the hall I replayed the incident of our kiss in my mind and envisioned what it would be like to have us locked in a passionate embrace where she would be completely at my mercy.

One where she would be begging me for the pleasure, the sweet, sweet release.

She was so small, so fragile. The last thing I wanted was to hurt her in my frenzy of lust and pleasure. I had certain expectations where my sex life was concerned. I mixed pain with pleasure and found the combination to be most exotic. The sinful euphoria, the exhilaration, the whirlwind of emotions.

Absorbed in my thoughts I failed to notice an obstacle in my way and hit it with my knee, almost tripping over it. When I had steadied myself I saw that it was Rachel, playing on the floor with her dolls. She looked up and saw me and smiled.

"Ciao Valentino, dove sei stato? Sabrina ti stava cercando. La cena è quasi pronta," she said cheerfully.
(Hi Valentino, where have you been? Sabrina has been looking for you. Dinner is almost ready)

"Va bene tesoro. Scusa se ti ho colpito, non stavo guardando dove andavo. Sei ferito?" I asked picking her up.
(Alright honey. Sorry for hitting you, I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you hurt?)

"No, non sono ferito. Papà dice che le ragazze dovrebbero essere dure come i ragazzi così i cattivi non se la prenderebbero con noi," she giggled.
(No I'm not hurt. Daddy says girls are supposed to be tough like boys so meanies wouldn't pick on us)

"Even if any meanies picked on you they won't live long enough to say sorry. Me, Damen and Daddy will beat them up and drop them in a hole," I said tickling her in her ribs. She squealed and tried to get away but I held her firmly in place. "No stop! Don't do it! I can't breathe, I can't breathe!"

I walked off with her and went to the dining room where dinner was laid out on the table. Father, Damen, Sabrina and everyone else were already seated, waiting for me to arrive before we began.

"There you are angel, did you wash your hands?" Annalise asked.
"I was about to when Valentino grabbed me and started to tickle me," she said with a pout.
"Liar, you were playing with your dolls on the floor. What are you talking about you naughty little thing?" grabbing her by her waist I hung her upside down making her scream and laugh all at once.
"Valentino don't do that. It's late, if she gets hyper now she'll never fall asleep," Annalise protested.

Regarding Annalise's words, I put Rachel down and she scurried off to wash her hands. I took my seat and noticed right away that Jasmine wasn't around.  "Where's Jasmine?"
"I don't know, last place I think I saw her was when she was putting the hyenas away," Riley replied.
"Hyenas? That's so freaking cool! When did we get hyenas?" Ryan asked enthusiastically.

"Today I ordered three. I'm going to train them so when they get older they'll be ideal for protection and defense," I said.
"And when they get out of control who's gonna shoot them? I will gladly do the honors," Damen put in.

"If you shoot them, I'll shoot you. No one is touching my babies!"
I looked beyond Dario's shoulder and saw Jasmine approach. She took her seat at my right hand side and the maids served her dinner just as Rachel came running in from the kitchen. Now with everyone present the meal commenced.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now