No Place Like Home.

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"Thank you for a wonderful evening Marcello, we appreciated the invitation," Valentino shook Marcello's hand and I gave Emilia a hug as we prepared to leave to go back home.
"We were glad to have you. Come back soon and I'll personally show you where all my toys are kept," Marcello chuckled.
"I'll take you up on that one of these days and the next time I'm in Mexico, I'll bring Damen and Sabrina as well."

"Please do. I'd love to see Damen again after so many years. Is he still mischievous as he was as a child?"
"He's gotten worse with time. Thank God he's mellowed with marriage. Sabrina keeps him on his toes every now and again."
"Yes, marriage does tend to change people."

As he said this Marcello glanced at me then back at Valentino, his eyes holding a silent message. I observed Valentino's reaction to Marcello's words and saw that he had suddenly broken out in a cold sweat.

To ease his discomfort, I stuck a hand out for Marcello to shake, a cordial smile making its way onto my face. "Ha sido un verdadero placer Marcello, Emilia. Gracias por su hospitalidad y una noche tan increíble."
(It's been a real pleasure Marcello, Emilia. Thank you for your hospitality and such an amazing evening)

"Eres una jovencita encantadora, Jasmine, ha sido un placer conocerte. Verte a ti y a Valentino tan felices juntos, es tan hermoso. Cuídate el uno al otro querida," Emilia said pecking both my cheeks and giving me another hug.
(You're a delightful young lady Jasmine, it's been a pleasure to meet you. Seeing you and Valentino so happy together, it's just so beautiful. Cherish each other my dear)

"I will do nothing but that. Thank you once again," I said softly as I tucked my arm into Valentino's and walked towards our car.
"Give my regards to your father Valentino," Marcello called out.
"Will do Marcello. Thank you for everything old friend," Valentino said as opened my door for me then climbed into the driver's seat.

He started the engine and we drove away from the mansion. The drive back home was quiet the only sound being heard was the sound of the engine and a few occasional car horns. Other than that everything was still, silent. When we pulled into the driveway we got out and went straight to our room.

"That was a wonderful day, I enjoyed every minute," I yawned as I collapsed on our bed, feeling the cool breeze from the open window fan my face and blow a few strands of my hair.
"I'm glad you did," Valentino said taking a seat on the edge of the bed and placing his hand on my knee.

"Are you going to tell me what caused you to get so nervous when Marcello told you that marriage tends to change people?" I asked casually. "You looked just about ready to pass out. Why was that?"
"Just something in relation to the talk we had," he murmured.
"Oh okay. Anything I should be concerned about?"
"Shh, don't ask so many questions," he groaned as he laid next to me, his head resting on my back. "Let's just relax for now okay?"

I nodded and rested my head on the soft pillow, a yawn escaping my mouth. I wasn't tired or anything, just... lazy. It tends to happen whenever I eat a big meal and just longue about doing nothing.
Before long I had fallen asleep. When I opened my eyes again it was dark and Valentino was gone.

Rolling over on my back, I yawned and rubbed my eyes, looking around for my husband. Not seeing him anywhere I climbed off the bed and walked out of our room and down the stairs to the kitchen where I saw him standing at the counter having a glass of bourbon.

"You're awake," he said when he saw me standing in the doorway. "Did you have a good sleep amore mio?"
I nodded and walked over to the table where I perched myself up on the cool surface. Putting the drink down he came and stood between my legs, placing his hands on my thighs. I glanced up at him and saw a look of deep longing in his eyes mixed with a vague amount of fatigue.

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