Things Aren't Always The Way They Seem.

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(2nd Edit)


After I left the strip club and went back to my room, I saw Sabrina and Riley comfortably sprawled out on the floor surrounded by pillows. I cautiously stepped over and gently shook Riley's shoulder, softly calling her name. After a few tries she woke up, yawning and looking around the room, slightly disoriented.

"Hey, Valentino is calling a family meeting," I told her.
"Ughh. What time is it?" she groaned as she rubbed her temples with her fingers. Clearly she wasn't ready to get up yet.
"It's a little after four, quarter to five maybe. Come on, Valentino asked me to wake you guys up," I passed over and went to rouse Sabrina who was sleeping like a log.

"I wouldn't recommend you wake her up Jas, let Damen do it. When Sabrina falls asleep it's near impossible to wake her up without getting punched in the face or shot in the shoulder," Riley warned as she rose off the floor, cracking her knuckles and stretching her muscles. "I speak from experience."

"Okay if you say so, but I'm not speaking to Damen. You do it. I can't seem to spend ten minutes in a room with that prick without me irritating him or him irritating me," I said shaking my head.
"Damen is known for his obnoxious personality. You'll get used to it. Once you guys get to know each other better, you'll be brushing shoulders in no time," Riley chuckled.

"Did you have trouble with him?" I asked as I picked up a pillow and placed it on the sofa.
"Damen is younger than me by two years. As kids we used to spend a lot of time playing and fighting with each other. My brothers and I used to come here all the time. We'd play for hours outside and have fun," she said smiling sadly.

"Then when Valentino started training to take over the family business, we didn't come as often. And when we did, Tino would be too busy to play with us. Uncle Luciano wanted us to live with them so we could all train together, but Mother wouldn't allow it. She wasn't born into the Mafia like we were. She was an outsider."
"Then when she died your father allowed you guys to stay with them in the mansion," I guessed.
"That's correct, we were thrilled because Valentino and Damen were like our brothers. We were closer than biological siblings."

"Are you ladies done reminiscing yet?"

"Go away Damen, we're not done tidying up and I need a shower," I said without turning around.
"Hmm she knew it was me before she saw my face, impressive," he came into the room wearing his usual smirk.

"Make yourself useful and wake up your wife, she's been sleeping for quite some time now," Riley picked up the blanket and pillows and was about to walk out of the room but stopped a moment to adjust her shoes.

"Sabrina amore mio, svegliati. Abbiamo una riunione di famiglia e tu devi esserci. Svegliati tesoro," he said gently shaking her arm.
(Sabrina my love, wake up. We're having a family meeting and you need to be there. Wake up sweetheart)

Sabrina groaned and turned to the side. I had only seen her like this once, when she came to my place to have a movie marathon. She had fallen asleep on the couch and unfortunately; my charger. I tried to push her on the other side and I ended up getting a punch to my nose. Very painful. So this time I made sure to stay a safe distance away.

"Poke her in the ribs, she has tickles there," Riley smirked.
"Non essere stupida Riley," Damen said rolling his eyes. ""If I poke her in her ribs while she's sleeping she won't be too happy. Use your brain for God's sake."
(Don't be stupid Riley)

Turning back to Sabrina Damen picked her up and carried her out of the room. Riley was about to go with him but stopped and turned to face me. "I'm gonna go put these blankets and pillows in my room so go ahead and take a shower. When you're done come to the last door on the left, that's my room."

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