A Lot In Common So It Seems.

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(2nd Edit)


"When Jasmine gets inside the Brooklyn Party Space under her assumed name, she will lead Donald Skavinsky into a private room and kill him. Valentino and Damen will pose as her body guards. Once Donald is dead, Jasmine will officially be initiated into the Sangue Mafia," Mr Guerrero said, concluding the meeting.

"What will happen if someone recognizes her? The members of the Petrova family are well known among Mafias everywhere," Dario pointed out. "If anyone sees her with us, and Ivan gets wind of it, he will come for her."

"She'll have joined us by the time he finds out, and when or if that happens, he won't be able to do anything about it," Enzo stated.
"Why is that?" I inquired.
"Once a person joins a Mafia, they belong solely to that Mafia. Ivan won't be able to take you out of the Sangue Mafia once you become an official member of the family," Mr Guerrero said in response to my question.

"And Ivan is too smart to risk breaking the rules of the Mafia. His public image is most important to him and if it's in the slightest bit tarnished, he'll lose his shit," Felix snickered.
"Do we have any insurance for if the plan fails?" Riley asked.

"If the plan fails —not that it will— Dean will hack into the security system, disable the cameras and give us a chance to escape without being recorded," Valentino said as he blew a puff of smoke towards the ceiling.

"We know where Donald Skavinsky lives, we could always pay him a house call if we are unable to kill him in his little social gathering," Damen added.
"The reason we're killing him in the party is to send a message to anyone who dares to retaliate against us. Whoever does will meet the same fate," Sabrina said firmly.

"Are any Russians expected at the party? I'm only asking in case one of them sees me kill Donald and stirs up a ruckus," I voiced my concerns.
"The Russians have no business attending the party. Unless it proves beneficial to their operations, they don't associate with the Mexicans," Riley told me.

"Well I guess I have my work cut out for me. The disguise I'll be wearing to the party, where is it?" I asked rising off my chair.
"It's in your room on your bed," Valentino said as he too rose off his chair. "Riley and Sabrina will help you get ready."

On cue Riley and Sabrina got up and walked with me to my room.  When we arrived, I saw a black sequenced dress lying on my bed with a pair of heels, a brunette wig and contact lenses.

"You'll need a wig, coloured contact lenses and a push up bra. Mexican men love women with big boobs. You'll be persuading Donald to come with you to a private room upstairs so you'll need to be able to lure him in with your body," Riley explained.
"Wonderful. I'm being used as human bait," I muttered as I took the dress and heels and went into the bathroom.

After a thorough shower I changed into the dress and inspected myself in the mirror. The dress was long with a slit reaching mid thigh and thin straps at my shoulders. A V-neck showed a bit of cleavage and the heels gave me an extra three inches in height. It was a nice dress but it didn't really suit me. Especially my partially exposed cleavage.

When I exited the bathroom Riley and Sabrina got to work on my hair and makeup. Riley tied my hair in a bun and stuck pins in it to keep it in place. She put the wig on and made sure it was totally secure so it wouldn't fall off. With much care, Sabrina put on the contact lenses, changing my eyes from baby blue to mocha brown. She then applied eyeshadow, a thin line of eyeliner and mascara, making my eyelashes appear fuller than before. Lastly, she applied crimson red lipstick and a bit of blush on my cheeks. 

When they were done, I surveyed my reflection, amazed at what I saw. "Wow, you girls did a great job. I look like a completely different person. Thank you."
"You're most welcome," Sabrina said capping the lipstick tube. "It's nearly six o'clock, so we're leaving to get ready. Stay here until we come to get you," Riley instructed as she walked out of my room with Sabrina.

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