Ghost Chat

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The two had sat there in silence for quite a while, feeling like absolute garbage. Although their episode had technically ended, the images and horrors that were held within still haunted Chara in the waking world. Although these were things they had never done as they could remember, there was a large gap of time where they couldn't remember anything. But... Everyone was still here, so why were these memories... memories?

"So what was happening...? You seemed very distraught and upset..." The ghost asked slowly, "You don't have to say... I was just wondering..."

"It was just another one of my episodes, bad nightmares and all.." Chare replied, wiping away tears from their eyes, "I've been having them since I was nine, after the accident."

"That doesn't sound nice at all... Nightmares are just rude.." He agreed, "What happened in the accident? If you don't mind me asking... You don't have to.."

"Nah, it's okay, I don't mind." Chara shrugged, shivering a little in the cold, "I'm just surprised you don't know about the accident. Everyone seems to know, it got pretty public. The King and Queen's adopted child has died. Oh no, wait, they aren't dead anymore, that's kind of terrifying."

"Oh... I don't really pay attention to these things.. But that sounds like something that would induce some pretty scary nightmares.." The ghost nodded slowly, "But why were they scared? Wouldn't everyone be happy?"

Chara responded only by pulling their bangs from in front of their eyes to reveal bright red, glowing eyes, "Everyone thought I was some kind of demon. Nothing should be able to come back from death like that, and with eyes like these.. It's no wonder."

"That isn't very nice of them... You seem nice.." The ghost frowned a little, as if contemplating why people can be so rude, "How did you come back, though? Do you know..? Maybe that can explain why you have these episodes.."

"The Doctor, he created something that would keep my soul from breaking into pieces, and put it back into my body.. But something happened to him later, and he vanished." Chara explained, "But I don't really remember what it was.. All I remember was being alone, surrounded by a bright white light when this dark, tar poured in around me and my first episode happened. There were all of these memories of things I'd never done.."

"Oh dear... That really does sound scary..." The ghost agreed, and sat in thought for a moment before continuing, "But maybe they aren't your memories.. Maybe whatever the Doctor used to keep your soul together brought someone else's memories.."

"I'm not sure.. Even if these things ever happened, I'd be able to see the effects of them around me now.. Everyone is still alive and okay, so.. Maybe not." Chara thought. It was a nice suggestion, to think that these memories weren't their own.. But that wasn't possible

"I once read this theory somewhere about parallel universes that was pretty interesting.." The Ghost started, and Chara could tell that this was about to lead into a ramble about some crazy internet theory, "It was saying that next to our world and universe, there are others.. Like... Copies... And things in those are the same but just a little different.. In one of them, everyone would still be home with me at our snail farm... So maybe those memories came from someone else in another universe.. But I guess that sounds pretty crazy..."

"I mean, it kinda does," Chara laughed a little to themselves, "But it's a better idea than anything I've ever had. I honestly just don't know what's happening, but maybe it'll go away now that my soul bonded with Frisk's."

"Your soul bonded with someone else's...? Wow... That's really cute..." The ghost smiled, seeming happy for Chara, "I bet whoever it is can help you a lot with this... Why aren't you with them now?"

That was a good question.. Why weren't they with Frisk? "Well.. I guess.. I don't really want to talk about it cause I'm scared. I'm scared they'll think I'm some kind of demon the way so many others do. I suppose that's kind of silly, all things considered."

"No, no... I understand... Sometimes we just get scared of things we know we shouldn't be afraid of. It just... Happens." Napstablook tried to comfort Chara, but looked around nervously at the sound of footsteps, "Oh... Someone is coming... I'm going to head home now.. I hope you feel better."

"Thanks, it was nice talking to you.." Chara stood and stretched, waving goodbye to the friendly ghost as he phased through the cavern wall. When they turned, they were greeted by the worried faces of Frisk and Asriel the potted plant.

"Chara gosh darn it!! Mom is worried sick about you!" Asriel shouted, as loud as a flower could. Chara wondered exactly how a flower could even yell.

"I know, I know.. I'm coming back now. I just needed to get away from Mettaton's sheer stupidity and annoying robot voice." Chara explained casually, acting as if nothing was wrong, as if Asriel didn't know better by now and as if Frisk couldn't feel exactly what they were feeling: Sheer terror and pain.

"Please let me come with you the next time you run off like this!" Frisk exclaimed, running up to Chara and wrapping their arms around them. Asriel the potted plant was sitting awkwardly in one of Frisk's hands, right up in Chara's ear.

"You're a dingus.." Asriel whispered into Chara's ear, "You know you don't have to deal with this stuff alone, right?"

"We're here for you! I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, your mom said I should let you be and we were on stage and.. I'm sorry. It was wrong for me to leave you alone." Frisk spoke softly, gently rubbing Chara's back with their free hand.

"Nah, it's alright. Don't sweat it." Chara smiled, "Let's head back and make our way to the surface. I'm excited to see the stars again.."

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