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"Chara, I know this is going to be something that you don't want to hear but.. I wish I had died at the barrier. I wish you hadn't saved me.. I would have died a hero, Chara, the hero of the underground, the prince who broke the barrier. Now my soul is falling apart.. And I've read enough books to know where this is going. I don't want to live long enough to see myself become the bad guy." Asriel admitted, looking away from Chara's gaze, afraid of how his sibling might respond.

"This isn't just any story, Azzy. We can and will save you, you're not going to become the bad guy. You could never be the bad guy, you're too cute and fuzzy for that. There's nothing this world can do that we can't fix, I promise. When have I ever let you down?" Chara replied, forcing a smile with a struggle. They understood the feeling, the fear of becoming the villain; Chara was always scared of becoming the villain the world thought them to be.

"Well, you haven't.. But Chara, not everything is fixable. You can't mend every wound, no matter how hard you try. You might be able to save my soul, but at what cost? What would it take? What if I stop feeling altogether, what if I become empty, my soul becomes empty? Is that worth it..?" He questioned, his voice shaking and quivering. His very existence was in question, more than enough to shake even Chara down to their core.

"I won't let that happen. I will not, I refuse." Chara stated firmly, giving a reflectively gentle pat on Asriel's petals. "Not now, not ever. You're my family, and family means that nobody gets left behind."

"You got that from a movie, Chara.. Stop pulling those cheesy lines on me." Asriel grumbled.

"I did, yes, but it still rings true. Plus, you loved that movie and you know it. I'm pretty sure you cried during it, actually." Chara teased, "Come on, how about we head back to the surface and go watch that movie with our family? You have some new people to meet."

"Alright, let's do it!" Asriel nodded, and Chara picked up his flower pot before heading out of the old new home and towards the city of humans where family awaited.

~Darcy and Emma~

"Hey there, my guys, my pals. There's a bit of a big family upstairs to feed, the whole Royal family. And I mean the whole royal family, like, all of em. The King and Queen of monsters have been invited, and then there's the little ones and then Chara and Frisk. It's uh.. It's like, a lot of stuff." Darcy sniffed, rubbing his nose as the small human Emma continued to poke at his face; She was done with that, however, as soon as she saw Grillby and stared with wide eyes.

"Fire uncle... So cool..." The child gawked, eyes wide and jaw dropped, a small line of drool falling from her mouth and onto Darcy's head.

"Well, looks like you've got a niece now Grillbz." Sans joked to Grillby, who chuckled and replied in a language and manner that neither Darcy nor Emma understood. "And you seem to have picked up one of Chara's little ones. Let me tell ya, I never thought Chara was one for kids all things considered but I guess they can kid around with the best of em."

"Har har har, Snooze. Anyway, I wrote down what the kiddos wanted and such and I'll leave it with you two and the kitchen. Do you know where little miss Muffet is? I need to talk to her about the spiders and such." Darcy rolled his eyes, realigning his shoulders and shifting Emma into a more comfortable positions.

"Uh, I think she's in the kitchen? I don't know, but howzabout it kid? Want to go see the queen spider lady?" Sans laughed. Unsurprisingly, the child nodded rapidly in anticipation.

"Well, let's get going, then. See you around, bone boy." Darcy replied, walking past the two at the counter and heading through the door in a bit of a hunch so that Emma didn't hit her head, and wormed his way through the kitchen to the back. Muffet was, to say the least, dressed for the occasion of baking. Now that she no longer needed money to get her family of spiders from the ruins, she was able to lower her prices.

Just a little bit.

"Hey there Muffet, how goes preparing for your bakery to open? I hear the grand opening will be in a few days." Darcy asked casually, rummaging through his pocket for something. "I've also heard that it's going to be quite the occasion."

"Yes, it will be in a few days and yes, it will be an occasion." Muffet replied blandly, not even looking up from her work, "Why are you here, Darcy? I'm very aware that you never go anywhere for the subject of small talk."

"Awh, come on? What makes you think I wouldn't just drop by to hang out with my favorite spider?" Darcy grinned, and when Muffet gave no response, he sighed and slipped a note into her apron, "Alright, alright. You got me. I have some information for you. Don't worry about a thing, Ma'am."

"Mmm.. Yes, of course. Now, get going! I'm a very busy spider, Darcy, and unless you have a bag of gold in your pockets, I am no longer interested." Muffet replied, and without even turning her head she whacked Darcy on the nose with a wooden spoon. "I will get a newspaper if you don't hurry up!"

"Yes Ma'am, I'm going." Darcy nodded, turning on heel and working his way out of the busy kitchen. One of the strange parts about the kitchen was Muffet's kitchen hands, which were actually just a bunch of spiders. It was almost whimzical to watch them fall and fly on web to carry out Muffets direct orders and prepare whatever was desired. "So how was that, kid? Were you scared?"

"No.. She looked pretty.." Emma nodded, "Let's go tell Mama!!"

~No Mercy Chara~

"Okay, now Human, you did very well in the kitchen! At this rate, you will soon become one of the greatest pasta makers in all the world! Now, if you'll please follow me, I'm going to take you to the training dummy! I want you to practice talking to it!" Papyrus encouraged, leading the small Human Child from the old ruins home towards the training room. The dummy was still there, surprisingly enough, and was covered in dust.

They just sort of stared at it.. What was talking to some dummy going to do for them, how was this going to help them? Hell, how was any of this going to help them? According to their companions, staying here with Papyrus wasn't going to do them any good. This wasn't going to save them.. Despite the fact they thought it might give them a reason to save themselves. After all, what was the point of surviving anymore, why would they bother? What was talking to some stupid Dummy going to accomplish... You have to run, now.. Run, sweet child of summer. You must.

Chara stepped towards the dummy and looked up at it before taking in a deep breath, "Uhm... Hello?" They mumbled, looking away from the dummy and towards Papyrus. He only motioned for Chara to speak up.

"Hello, dummy..." Chara spoke up nervously, looking back to Papyrus, who nodded while giving a big smile and a thumbs up, "How are you?"

"Ah! Excellent!!" Papyrus declared happily, "I knew you could! Now, in order to keep going with conversation, I am going to hide behind the Dummy and talk for it! It's going to be as easy as pie!"

Easy as..? Your mother used to say that you know, a long time ago. Do you remember, little human? Trust in the lies, she said to tell yourself you'll be fine. It'll be easy as pie, my child. Yes, that's it.. Do you remember, now? Remember what happened to your mother, think long and hard... It's time to run

Before they knew what was happening, Chara felt tears surge from their eyes and they collapsed to the ground, falling to their knees. The room began to shake and tremble with noises, Papyrus running to their side, voices screaming all around them. There wasn't any point, they were dying. They would come back after they saved themselves, right? Their companions promised that if they left, they would be allowed to come back.. But since when did they keep promises?

In a moment of almost possession, Chara stood rapidly and stumbled backwards, turning on heel and running. Where would they run, they had no idea, but they knew that the lock was open and if they just kept sprinting that they would eventually get out. They would find a way to save themselves and they would come back.

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now