Human Juice Box

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"So... I'm cute, huh?" Frisk sits up, giggling.

"You make a cute bat, but don't let it get to your head. I don't even know you." Chara sticks up their nose and turns away, but winces from the pain in their neck. They groan, taking their hand and pressing it against the fresh bite mark, blood still dripping from it. Frisk sniffed the air, pressed their hands against the bed and leaned over Chara to look at their neck. They licked their lips hungrily, and turned to face Chara.

"You're bleeding, still." Frisk pointed out.

"Mm, yes. Yes I am. Thanks for that." Chara nods, trying to avoid the idea that this stranger wanted to use them as a human juice box, but when Frisk leans back with a furrowed brow and regret in their eyes, Chara... Felt... Bad about sassing them like that.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't help it, I was so hungry.." Frisk mumbled, looking away in shame, trying to get the scent of blood away from their nose. It wasn't going so hot.

"Don't worry about it." Chara sighed, wondering just how out of their mind they were when they decided that maybe Frisk could have a little bit more. They just looked so hungry, sad and.. Kind of pathetic. "You can have a little more, but not too much. I kind of need this stuff."

"Thank you!" Frisk squeals excitedly, and Chara felt like their going to regret this as Frisk leaned over them and pushed their head aside to reveal their sore neck.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get used to- OH!" Chara sharply sucked in their breath when Frisk planted their lips on their neck, a tickle spreading across their neck, making their whole body writhe and twitch, but not out of pain. Frisk slowly lapped up the spilt blood before sucking out more, and lapping that up. It was a repeating cycle, but it felt like they were kissing them more than eating them like a light snack.

"You taste like chocolate.." Frisk whispered into Chara's ear before gently and slowly sinking their fangs into their neck, moving their lips softly against their neck. Chara let out a pained and pleasured moan as Frisk pulled their fangs out and continued to kiss and suck at the opening. Chara was... Enjoying this, for some demented reason, and it sent an odd wave of pleasure through their body each time Frisk pulled their lips away to lap at the wound and gently pressed them back. It was sending heat and energy to places that had never felt that kind of thing before, and Chara was starting to lose it.

"I.. I bet." Chara laughed, but their breath was sharp and struggled as their world started to spin and fade in and out of darkness, "Hey.. I think you've had enough.. You can't have too much of a good thing."

"Oh, oh gosh.. I'm sorry.." Frisk mumbled as they pulled away, wiping Chara's neck clean with their sleeve.

"Don't." Chara groaned, did this nerd apologize about everything? "I told you that you could. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get a bandage or something."

"I'm sorry.." Frisk looked down in embarrassment, wiping the blood off their mouth as Chara stood and walked out of the room. Chara shook their head once they had closed the door, trying to bring their light head back to its senses. It wasn't working out so well, but hey, they weren't dead. Once they had taken their moment to get themselves back together, they heard familiar voices coming from the kitchen. Sans and Papyrus were here, and mother was home. They figured dad must have been outside with Asriel, and so Chara headed into the kitchen, hand still grasping their neck.

"There really was another human! Sans just.. Lost them! Somehow!" Papyrus declared, looking at his brother with disappointment.

"Whoops?" Sans shrugged a little, and mother laughed a little before turning to see Chara enter the room, blood dripping from underneath their hand.

"Oh gosh, sweet child, what happened? You're bleeding!" Mother gasped, practically running over to Chara, moving their hand over and examining the wound, "What on earth is this? It looks like someone bit you!"

"Yeah... I found your human, Pap. Of course, they're not human and they turned me into a juice box, but what ever." Chara sassed, condescension lacing their voice.

"What?! Not human? Then what are they??" Papyrus asked loudly with a voice that made Chara groan internally.

"A vampire, numb-nuts. Thanks for the heads up, Sans." Chara grumbled as Mother used her magic to slowly close the wound, and then placed a bright pink bandage across it. For extra protection, she would say.

"Any time, kiddo. Any time." Sans grinned, knowing full well he gave no indication about Chara walking off with a vampire. He knew, of course, he just had no desire to say anything about it. He just wanted Chara to figure it out on their own.

"A vampire?" Mother questioned, raising an eyebrow, "Where is this.. Vampire?"

"Chillin in my room, naturally." Chara answered with a shrug, as if it was no big deal.

"Well.. I'm glad to see you've made a friend.. But.. Can I at least meet this vampire..?" Mother said stiffly, assuming, for some reason, that if the vampire was in their room that they were 'friends'. Well.. Chara did let them use them as a juice box, so that made them something. Not friends, though. They didn't even know each other.

"Oh, sure. I'll go fetch them." Chara replied, stretching a little before heading out of the kitchen to go get Frisk the resident vampire.

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