Question Game

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When Mother had left the room, Chara turned in the couch to face their little brother, Asriel, and said, "You know exactly what you did, don't you? Don't you play innocent with me, you just wanted to see me embarrassed by mom again!"

"What?" Asriel grasped at his chest and stumbled backwards, feigning shock that obviously didn't exist, "Me? I would never do that to my big sibling! I just wanted to make sure you were totally safe and not being eaten alive or something."

"Uh-huh. I buy that completely." Chara rolled their eyes and crossed their arms while Asriel only giggled, bouncing back to his room to go back to bed. Chara sighed, and looked down at Frisk, who was still laying on the floor, hiding as best they could. They could have only imagined how embarrassing that must have been for them, all things considered. Being caught on top of someone by their mother..

"Are you doing okay down there?" Chara asked, reaching down with one of their arms and giving Frisk a gentle pat, "You wanna come back up here?"

"I'm fine!" Frisk squeaked, still hiding their face in the sleeves of their sweater, as if that would make the shame go away. It obviously wasn't going to help, but going back up on the couch with Chara might make it worse, even if they were just snuggling or something.

"Come on, Frisk. I know the floor isn't that comfortable." Chara urged, knowing full well that just laying on the floor was probably going to be painful in the morning, "We can just sit up here and talk, if you want. I know you aren't actually going to sleep."

"Yeah, but you need to sleep. You ought to go back to your room and lay down." Frisk pointed out, hardly wanting to be the one that kept Chara up all night and ruin their sleep cycle or something. Sleep was important for humans, and Frisk wanted their human to be healthy. Wait, did they just refer to Chara as their human?

"That's a no can do there, buddy." Chara shrugged, reaching down with both arms and attempting to pull Frisk up on to the couch, but they didn't budge. "Come on, Frisk.. We went over this, so just get up here you determined little bat!"

"Alright, alright. I'm coming." Frisk replied softly, pushing themselves up as Chara pulled and let themselves fall into Chara's lap, who hugged them tightly around the waist. "So.. What did you want to talk about?"

"Well.. I thought we could play some sort of question game." Chara answered slowly, hoping the idea wouldn't seem weird or stupid to Frisk, "I'll ask you a question and then you'll ask me a question. I guess it's just to get to know each other or something.."

"Alright, sure." Frisk nodded, already thinking of a question to ask Chara, "You first, though. I mean, it was your idea after all."

"Okie dokie!" Chara nodded out of reflex, even though Frisk couldn't exactly see them nodding. "So.. What's your favorite color? I know it's a lame question but.. It just came to mind first. Don't judge me."

"I'm not going to judge you!" Frisk giggled a little bit, noticing that Chara didn't seem to be very adept at conversation that wasn't salty, sarcastic or annoyed, and the fact that they were so awkwardly trying was adorable, "My favorite color is blue, what's yours?"

"Green! I just wear a lot of green.. It's a nice color." Chara answered quickly, and then realized that they hadn't even given a remark on what Frisk had said, "But blue is good to! I like blue."

"So, it's my turn now?" Frisk asked, not exactly waiting for an answer when they continued, "So what's your favorite food?"

"Chocolate. Always, 100%. Chocolate is probably the best thing I've had." Chara declared confidently, "It's just a shame there isn't a whole lot of chocolate down here."

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