Passing Time

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It had been a few months now, since monsters had returned to the surface. Although initially nerve wracking, things had gotten peaceful. Darcy, as shifty and weird as he was, got along well with mother and father, and Sam as well, and negotiations between the kingdoms was solid. Albeit there was still tension between the two groups, even now, things were becoming more stable with every passing day. At least, as far as Chara knew. Frisk had been doing ambassador work with Sam over these months, and there were mixed feelings about the two. People seemed to relate to Sam and her antics, and people trusted Frisk, but there were still humans who were afraid of the monsters.

It was also announced, by the Baron himself, that Frisk was the heir to the throne, despite Frisk telling him not to. That too was met with mixed feelings. There were celebrations in the streets for the return of the heir, who all thought to be dead, but when some found out that Frisk sympathized with the monster community.. Some feelings became hostile. Some of those hostilities were taken out in slander on the news about Frisk and Chara's relationship, but since Chara never really left the house much and didn't give a shit about the news.. Chara had no idea. Frisk thought it would be better that they didn't. Sure, these humans were considered to be extremists and had been ostracized by the others, it scared Frisk. Not for their own life, mind you, but afraid of hurting anyone else.

Work had honestly ruined Frisk's sleep schedule, and they were constantly tired. Chara was able to help sometimes by letting Frisk feed off them for extra energy, kind of like a super hyped up coffee, but it didn't replace the sleep that Frisk lost on a regular basis. They worked hard, trying to keep everything peaceful, push for monster rights in the human community, and show the kingdoms that they could live together without worry. Chara missed them a lot, when Frisk wasn't stressed and tired or upset. There had been nights when Chara thought Frisk was sleeping, and they were playing video games with some dorks on the other side of the world, and cuts began to form across their arm and thighs. Chara would have to throw down the remote and find Frisk right away, as they sometimes snuck out the window to do it.

Though no matter what, Chara would always find them and take them home. The next day, Chara refused to let Frisk go to work and kept them at home to take care of them. Most of that day was Frisk cuddling up against Chara while they played games with Asriel and lounged around. Frisk was honestly glad that Chara and Asriel would make sure that the house was kept clean and did some of the other chores, because everyone knew that Frisk was too exhausted to do it themselves.

Speaking of Asriel, he had actually grown quite amused by being a flower. He liked to scare visiting humans who thought that he was just a simple flower. He had also been spending time figuring out how to use his own magic while a flower, which was no longer the same as it used to be. It was mainly using leaves and seeds to lift things, move them and do any other nifty thing that he needed to do, like moving his flower pot and operating a game controler. He still kept his title, and made his gamer-tag God_of_Hyperdeath. Chara had made theirs Bitterbish2000. It made everyone happy to see Asriel and Chara's relationship to be so positive again, especially mom and dad.

Since Frisk was now spending a lot of time with their mother at work, their relationship had gotten a lot better as well. So, though everything in general, things were getting a lot better. Chara and Frisk had also figured out the rules of being half human and half vampire. Chara could drink blood, but they only needed it like someone else would need coffee, and they could eat food to fill them up. Frisk could eat food, but it wouldn't fill them up, and they still had to drink blood. Both of them got tired in the sun, and had night-owl tendencies. They were always aware how the other was feeling, no matter how far apart they were, and Chara made sure to give Frisk a call every time things were getting bad at work. Their relationship was a little messy right now, but things were going to be okay.

Right now, Asriel and Chara were at the couch and coffee table playing Halo 5 war-zone together, and they were winning. Chara looked at the time for just a second, and noticed that Frisk was going to be home soon. Hopefully, unless something came up, and something usually did. Still, Chara always made sure to be at the door just in case.

"Hey, HEY! Bish, we got some suckers trying to flank us! Pay attention!" Asriel shouted, and brought Chara back to the game.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm on it! These scrub-lords have nothing on me." Chara retorted quickly, turning their focus onto the TV screen. "Anyway, Frisk is gonna be home soon so we have to wrap these suckers up quick."

"Oh come on, you know Frisk always has to stay over-time." Asriel sighed, following Chara into the fray of the battle. It was their last little skirmish, and their team won after that. Asriel laughed and celebrated when he saw God_of_Hyperdeath as the mvp. Nice. As if on cue, Chara could hear Frisk fumbling for their keys outside. Chara practically threw themselves over the side of the couch on a rush to open the door and greet Frisk with a huge hug. It was Friday, and the weekend was coming off. Frisk promised they would take the weekend off.

"Glad to see you, too, strawberry." Frisk smiled, holding Chara close and taking a deep breath. Asriel was still celebrating his victory. "So.. Are you ready for a nice weekend? I know you've been looking forward to this."

"I sure am! I decided instead of you having to deal with Asriel and mine's awful cooking, that we could maybe go to the city and eat at a nice restaurant I found?" Chara suggested awkwardly, "I got reservations earlier today."

"Yeah, that sounds pretty nice!" Frisk laughed. Damn, that laugh was just too cute for Chara to handle sometimes, "I just want to shower and change, I feel gross after today."

"Alright, great!" Chara exclaimed, turning over to Asriel at the coffee table, "Desktop is yours, Hyperdeath. Don't use my league account unless you want to play Birb-King."

"Okay but what if I want to use your Zed skin?" Asriel asked, turning over to Chara. Chara sighed and shrugged, their universal gesture for 'i don't really care at this point.' "Nice, nice. Well, have fun, bish."

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