New steps

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"You know, I'm not entirely sure you have any idea what you're talking about anymore, and I'm not really sure I care right now, either." Chara said with a shrug, walking over to Sam and picking her up by the collar, taking her back to Frisk.

"Mom, uhm.. Not meaning any offense but, how did you not die? And what are you going to do about your missing limbs and.. Stuff?" Frisk questioned in worry, kneeling down and looking their mother up and down, wincing at the state her body was in.

"Oh, right. I need those, don't I?" Sam said thoughtfully, before wincing and clenching her jaw. The black goop on the ground began to swirl through the debris and wreckage until it slowly began to form shapes against Sam's crippled and broken body, until it solidified into a solid, functional body part. Chara stumbled back and dropped Sam on to the ground.

"Well, that was rude." Sam grumbled, standing up and dusting herself off, She looked down and realized that she was going to have to replace some of her clothes. He pants had become short-shorts, and she didn't have any socks or shoes anymore. Her jacket had become more of a short-sleeve shirt with a hood, and it had a huge hole in the side. Chara and Frisk were still staring in disbelief.

"Eh.. Bonesy! We have someone down here, so if you could give us a lift that would be really great, thanks!" Chara shouted out to Papyrus, still very much confused about everything that was going on. More had happened in the past few days than anything else in their entire life, and that was pretty over-whelming.

"Chara Dreemurr!! My sweet child, what in the name of all things holy were you thinking?! You ran off to the site of an unexplained explosion, and then jumped straight into the hole in the ground! You could have been hurt!" Toriel shouted out, loud enough for Chara to hear. Chara could also hear Asriel giggling, and they were so going to get him back for that later. Yet, it also comforted them to know their little brother had enough confidence in them to not be so concerned.

"It's all good, Mom! I'm fine down here, and so is Frisk! I didn't mean to scare you, but we had to rescue this numbnut!" Chara yelled back, and not a few seconds later did Papyrus send down a rope ladder. Chara instinctually grabbed Frisk with one arm and the ladder with the other. Sam must have taken hold, as well, as the team up on the scaffold began to pull it up.

When they reached the top, Toriel pulled both Chara and Frisk into a tight goat-mom hug while Asgore pulled Sam aside to ask her some questions, and Alphys went with him. Papyrus was ranting about something, although Chara could never tell if it was good or bad with him; the skeleton seemed upbeat about everything. After the touchy feely moment, Undyne gave Chara a playful punch in the shoulder.

"That was a smooth move, punk, very smooth." Undyne laughed, and Chara lifted their eyebrow at her joke.

"Says you, fish-face, you're gonna melt in that ridiculous getup of yours, how can you even move?" Chara retorted, and Toriel gave them both a frown. Undyne only smiled with a glint in her eyes that said the two of them would finish this later.

"Asgore, dear, shall we head home and discuss some things with our survivor, and then the.. Other, stuff. Regarding some of the things that have been happening..?" Toriel tried to be clear about what she meant, by giving a slight nod towards Chara and Frisk with the floating, colorful soul above them.

"Right, right, of course, Tori!" Asgore nodded, picking up what she was putting down, and turned to Sam and Alphys, "It would be very helpful if you both were to join us, and I could make you some tea while we talk!"

~~Some time later: Undyne took Alphys back to her place, and Papyrus went to join Sans in snowdin to continue their job. Toriel, Sam and Asgore have been discussing things in the kitchen for about twenty minutes now.~~

Vamp!tale (Chara x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now