Pizza Eating Contest

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Sans, while everyone else was gawking at Frisk and Chara making out on the couch, an intimacy Sans didn't even think Chara was capable of, forked the Pizza guy the money and an extra large tip for having to deal with the shenanigans that went on inside this building. There was a large cheese pizza, a large meat lovers pizza and for the two skeleton brothers, a hawaiian pizza. When the two opened the box to begin eating, Chara was thoroughly disgusted by such a pizza ever being allowed in this palace.

"What kind of monstrosity of a pizza did you order? What is that? You don't put pineapple on a pizza that's just.. That's just WRONG! You take away everything that makes it pizza, what.. What are you doing, snooze?!" Chara asked in pure horror, taken aback by the fact that Sans was now pouring ketchup on that disgusting slice of hell.

Sans shoved an entire slice of it into his mouth and shrugged, "What? It's good." He replied casually, picking up another slice of pizza. His brother gave him a look that said 'slow down' while he picked up his fallen jaw from the floor and put it back on.

"Nonsense, Chara! It's a bold statement, extravagance in the fine art of pizza! Never be too scared to take drastic steps!" Mettaton declared thoughtfully in his loud, metallic voice. Undyne and Chara gave each other an off look, while Chara raised an eyebrow and turned around to face the robot.

"It's not a drastic step, Mettaton, it's walking off a cliff into a pit of alligator infested water. In other words, an all around terrible idea." Chara retorted with a clever grin, turning back around and plopping themselves firmly on Frisk's lap. They gasped a little, and tried to hide their blushing face. Thankfully, no one but Sans noticed, and he didn't have any eyebrows to wiggle.

"I don't even know anything about pizza and I think the little punk is right! That just doesn't even look right!" Undyne laughed aloud, once again giving Chara a gentle punch on the shoulder, who responded by flipping open the box of meat pizza and raising an eyebrow.

"I bet you I can outeat you in a pizza eating contest." Chara challenged with a sly grin, slowly taking off their flannel and draping it over Frisk's shoulder. They cracked their knuckles and waited for Undyne's response.

"Oh you're on, punk! I never lose!" Undyne scoffed jokingly, pulling up her own sleeves, taking off her own jacket and draping it on Alphys' shoulder. Alphys and Frisk were looking at each other for emotional support in a time when the bae's were attempting to do something that most would classify as incredibly stupid.

Mettaton rolled out in front of the coffee table and put on the display of a scoreboard while Papyrus ran to the side of the table and put his hand up. Undyne and Chara leaned forward in their seats and glared at the pizza. Sans hopped on to the top of the coffee table and pulled out his trombone, waiting for the cue.

"And... GO!" Papyrus shouted and both Undyne and Chara's hands shot straight for a slice of pizza and they began to stuff their faces. Sans started to roll out a sweet jazz solo that soon turned into an out of proportion boss music while Mettaton was playing the basic cheering track in the background. Both Frisk and Alphys were warning the challengers to maybe slow down so they didn't choke, but naturally neither of them listened. Less than ten minutes later, the entire pizza was gone and both Chara and Undyne were leaning back in the couch. Chara had a smug look of satisfaction, and Undyne seemed a little.. Green.

"Final score... Undyne.. SEVEN! Chara.. FIVE! Undyne wins!" Mettaton declared, and everyone began to cheer. Chara held up a finger, as to pause the moment. Undyne's facial expression changed to one of confusion and disgust.

"Hold that thought." Chara flicked Mettaton and picked up the pizza box, they slid it in front of Undyne and gave her a big wiff of meat pizza. Undyne threw up in the box and everybody jumped back in surprise in disgust. Chara turned around and set the box on top of Mettaton, "I win."

"Uhm... Let's just call it a tie!" Papyrus ruled and Undyne started to laugh, snapping Chara the fingerguns while Papyrus took the box of thrown up meat pizza to the kitchen, Mettaton following behind. Alphys was staring at Undyne partly in confusion as to why they were laughing, and partly because staring at Undyne was one of her favorite pass-times. Don't tell anyone that, though. Over the confused Frisk and Alphys, Chara and Undyne gave each other a crisp, solid high five and then a fist bump. They were kind of like competitive friends, passive aggressive towards one another and constantly trying to outdo each other but still.. Friends.

Frisk took in a deep break, and looked towards Alphys. She nodded, and Frisk reached into their own pocket and pulled out the tiny, black box. "Hey, uhm.. Chara? Do you want to hear a joke?"

Sans was all of a sudden sitting on the back of the couch, looking over the two. He seemed to be very interested in this joke, and Alphys gave them a thumbs up. "No, oh my god no more jokes. At least not if they're anything like his jokes!" Chara groaned, pointing a finger towards Sans.

"No shut up, yes you do. You want to hear this one." Frisk replied and poked Chara on the cheek before altering their position a bit. Frisk was now standing in front of Chara, with the tiny box behind their back. "Knock knock."

Chara rolled their eyes and sighed, "Alright Frisk, fine. Who's there?"

"Mary." Frisk replied, and Sans leaned closer. Undyne was getting curious as to where this was going, and Alphys was giving Frisk a big smile and two thumbs up for encouragement.

"Mary who?" Chara asked, and watched in complete and total confusion as Frisk dropped down on one knee and pulled out the tiny little box. They opened it and smiled awkwardly.

"Marry... Me?" Frisk asked nervously, looking up at Chara, still having their flannel draped over their shoulder. There was clapping in the room, Undyne punching Chara and Alphys was squealing. Chara was blushing furiously, and instead of saying anything.. They stood up and looked down at Frisk before throwing them over their shoulder and running off. Frisk gave them all a thumbs up as they were being taken away, probably to the bedroom.

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