Dinner is Awkward When You Can't Eat

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"So, if you don't mind me asking, what sort of monster are you? I can't really tell.." Father asked, eying Frisk curiously. The idea of Frisk being human was now completely ridiculous, after everyone had witnessed them turning into a bat in their very kitchen. Since Frisk had done nothing to harm Chara in anyway, inviting them to dinner was the only natural response to any of what was happening. Naturally.

"I think they're a vampire! Look at those pointy, shiny teeth!" Asriel exclaimed from the other side of the table. He had always been rather enthusiastic, and could be described as pure; the perfect foil for Chara, who considered themselves to be rather pessimistic with a darker outlook on life. As far as they were concerned, it didn't really matter too much to them. At least, their own life didn't, along with most of humanities. Monsters may have been called monsters, but humans were the real monsters. Chara included themselves in that group.

Frisk couldn't help but smile at Asriel's enthusiasm, revealing the tips of their fangs, "See! Mom, look!" Asriel exclaimed, pointing towards Frisk's mouth, who was now blushing and leaning sideways in their chair towards Chara. Chara decided that poking at their snail pie was much more interesting than this conversation.

"Come now, my child, it's rude to point." Mother chided, but only for a moment, "But yes, I do see Frisk's teeth, they are very pointy indeed."

"A vampire? I can't say I've ever met a vampire, but judging by you they seem very nice!" Father laughed heartily; he was honestly just as innocent as Asriel, even if he seemed much older and scarier at times. A pure soul; it seems to run in this family. Chara wished they were truly a member, and could share this feature.

"Oh, thank you.. I'm glad you think so.." Frisk chuckled a little, a blush creeping up their neck. Already they felt more at home here than they ever did at their 'real' home. Even if this was rather awkward for them, it felt real.

"So how do your fangs work? I've always wondered if you use the fangs to suck blood or just to get it out, you know?" Asriel asked excitedly between bites of his pie, talking with his mouth full as his mother would say, who was now looking at him with a sigh.

"Oh, eh.. I don't really know, actually. I've never thought about it and I don't even like the idea of having to drink blood. There are so many things I'd rather survive off of.. Like peanut butter or sliced bread." Frisk answered awkwardly, rubbing their neck a little, noticing that Chara had not put a word forth in this conversation.

"Yeah, I bet! It sounds really gross.. But you have super strength, right? You can do so much to help people!" Leave it to Asriel to find some sort of positivity in the idea of being a vampire, Chara thought to themselves.

"That's.. That is true, I've never really thought of it like that." Frisk replied with a gentle smile.

"So, can you eat other things?" Mother asked, looking hopefully at Frisk and their pie.

"I mean, I can try.." Frisk replied, not wanting to disappoint goat mom. So they took their fork and took a piece of pie into their mouth. Unfortunately to say, the pie and the fork turned to ash into their mouth and crumbled to the floor. "Sorry.."

"Oh dear, does that happen with everything?" Mother asked, worried.

"That really is a shame, Toriel's food is just fantastic." Father laughed once more, knowing that Toriel would be disappointed in Frisk's inability to dig in to the delicious pie.

"I bet it is, I'm sorry that I can't eat it. I really would like to, if I could." Frisk looked down sadly.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'll find some way to feed you. Somehow." Toriel started into space, deep into thought. How exactly do you feed a vampire? Can you make some sort of blood substitute? What exactly is it in blood that will feed a vampire, Frisk can't exactly eat people here. That would just be plain wrong.

"Hey! Chara's a human, maybe Frisk can just snack on Chara throughout the day! I'm sure Chara wouldn't mind at all!" Asriel chimed in, looking at Chara with a happy expression

"Yeah.. Snack on me.." Chara remembered vividly the way Frisk bit into their neck, the gentle lapping of their tongue against them. Lets not even go into the strange feeling that washed over them as it happened, that would just be too much.

Chara's cheeks turned a hot pink. This would have been normal, if it weren't for the other odd changes in Chara's facial expression. The best place to start for that would be the fact that their eyes and mouth had gone from normal, human features, to a black oozing pit of despair with buttercups bubbling out of them. They were now shaking violently enough to fall from their chair.

Before Frisk even contemplated what was happening, they had dashed from their chair right to Chara to catch them before they had hit the ground, almost like they had flashed through the air like lightning. Asriel was staring in sheer disbelief at what Frisk had done, but both Toriel and Asgore were now completely and utterly horrified.

"What on earth? This has never happened before??" Toriel exclaimed, running over almost as fast as Frisk to examine their trembling child, whos forehead was quite literally steaming. Not in a hot, feverish sort of way, but a I-left-the-tea-kettle-on-too-long-and-now-its-screaming-and-steaming kind of way. "Asgore, please clear the sofa and put down some blankets!"

"Yeah, of course, Tori! I'm on it." Asgore nodded quickly, running out of the kitchen. Asriel, who was previously caught up in the way Frisk was able to move, was now staring towards Chara with sheer terror in his eyes.

"Frisk, could you please carry Chara to the sofa..?" Toriel asked, noticing that Frisk's grip on Chara was far too intense to even bother trying to get them to let go, and that was hardly taking into account the burning intensity in their eyes.

Without saying a word, Frisk carried Chara to the sofa and laid them down, gently as can be, and sat down.

Frisk had to wonder; was this their fault? Did feeding off of Chara earlier really have this sort of effect? Was that why most vampires just ate their prey all at once? Except, Chara wasn't prey to Frisk. No one was just 'prey' to Frisk. They wanted to be friends with everyone down here, not bring terror into their lives. This is exactly why Frisk had ran away in the first place; why Frisk came down here in hopes of starving to death.

Maybe after they knew if Chara was safe or not, they would leave. Find somewhere else to curl up and die; they couldn't live a life that caused suffering to someone else. That just wasn't in their nature, no matter how hard the vampirism tried to destroy it.

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