Luncheon Discussion

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Chara looked in the mirror and sighed, brushing back their hair a little, deciding they were satisfied with the way they looked. Although they had personally grown accustom to the way their own eyes looked and their family never cared, they were worried now that they would be among other humans again. These kind of eyes just weren't normal among people, and the people who had them used to be viewed as a gift to the kingdom. Until the end of the war.. After that, crimson eyes were looked at as demonic, something to be shunned, ignored and eventually.. Put out.

Since Chara didn't know Darcy, they decided that today they would be wearing contacts that gave their iris a different tint. It wasn't 100% effective but it got the job done, and for now Chara's eyes would be brown. They opened the door and could already hear light chatter in the kitchen; their guests must have already arrived while Chara was in the bathroom getting ready. With a light groan, they headed to the kitchen to find Frisk standing next to the island counter, Asriel positioned back in his pot on the table with their guests seated at the table. Mother, Father, Sam and the Baron Darcy.

"Hello my child, so delighted for you to join us!" Mother smiled wide; she seemed oddly happy about something, although Chara had no idea what. "Undyne has been wondering where you've been! She's missed training with you and your brother, although I doubt she'd say anything about it."

"Oh, right. Yeah, I'll call her about it later today. A little training could do some good, I suppose. It isn't like I ever do much else." Chara answered with an indecisive shrug, "So.. Mom, dad, San.. Baron, what's up? I mean, I don't mind seeing you all but this was kind of unexpected and uh.. Odd, I suppose."

The baron raised his hand, "Ah, Darcy is just fine for me, thank you. We're actually here to talk about you and Frisk, there's a special event coming up and everyone needs to be caught up on the situation or it could end up.. Not so hot." The Baron explained, reaching into the pocket of his coat to pull out a bag of hot cheetos.

"See, things have been kind of uneasy lately with the rulership and the diplomatic and, well, you're living with the ambassador so you should know all this." Sam gave a wave of her hand to dismiss the thought, "Anyway, since Frisk is heir to the human throne, they all want Frisk back in their city in the palace."

"Except there are extremists in the city that are really against what Frisk is doing for us.. And we don't want them to be hurt. So that's why when Frisk has to leave for the palace.." Father explained, looking over at Mother to finish. Chara felt like they weren't going to like what they were about to hear.

"We'll be sending you with them, along with Undyne, Alphys and the Skeleton brothers!" Mother nodded and Chara stared at Asriel with narrowed eyebrows, "Don't worry, it's a rather large building and you'll be able to have all the space you need. You're going to start training with Undyne again so you can be in top shape to make sure no harm comes to Frisk while there."

"And I've got my own guard to send as well. Best of the best, in my opinion. Security will be a little tight, but that place is big enough for you to not even know they're in the building. Frisk will be able to do all their work from in there and you can help. I think it's a well made plan if I do say so myself." Darcy explained with a grin practically plastered to his face. He seemed pleased with himself.

"I, well, I mean.. Okay. All right then." Chara sighed, placing their hands on their hips and looking down for a second, before turning to face Frisk, "What do you think about all this? It's going to be where your job is and stuff, and it's to keep you safe so.."

"I mean.. I've gotten really used to our small house, the forest outside and the community we've been living in but.. Well, it's probably for the best until some of these problems quiet down, you know?" Frisk explained, a little fidgety and flustered. Something was definitely up, but Chara just couldn't tell what it was.

"Alright, yeah.. I guess that works." Chara dropped their hands back to their pockets and walked over to where Frisk was standing to make sure that everything was okay. They haven't been able to really.. Connect as well lately and it was really starting to get on their nerves.

"There is one more thing, if you don't mind.." Darcy said, popping a few more chips into his mouth and standing up, "There's something I need to show the both of you. It's.. Very important, and I feel like it's something you both have been wanting to know."

This perked both Frisk's and Chara's interest, and Chara inadvertently leaned forward and pressed their elbows on the counter, "What do you mean by that? What do you want to show us?" They asked curiously.

"Come on, it's better if I show you." Darcy smiled, heading for the door and motioning Frisk and Chara to follow. "I'm sure Chara's brother won't mind wrapping things up here while you two are out and about."

"Right, right." Frisk nodded, and followed Darcy out of the door. Chara stood for a moment, gave their brother a sympathetic look followed by a more casual and apathetic shrug. They followed Darcy and Frisk outside, and heard a small snippet of conversation before closing the door.

"I don't mean to be rude or blunt but.. All this for just an ambassador? I know they're important but it just seems a little much to me.."

"They won't be just an ambassador. Not for very long."

"Once that happens, they're gonna be in a lot of danger."

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