Prelude To Calamity

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Frisk sighed and hung up the phone, leaning back in their office chair and grumbling to themselves. Another vandalism and more anti-monster graffiti. It's like these extremists have started banding together, and with the new signature on every single crime.. Frisk was almost positive they had grouped together. This entire month had been drastically messy, and it all started after their proposal to Chara. They really did want to spend more time with them, but they haven't even been able to leave the office for anything this month, not even to sleep. There was a knock at the door, and Darcy walked into the room.

"Frisk, whatever it is your doing, put it away. Now. We need to have a very serious conversation about Chara." Darcy demanded bitterly. He didn't even need to say anything else before Frisk knew that something was seriously wrong. Darcy's suit, the one that was usually well kept and nicely trimmed, was slightly charred and smoldering.

"What is it, are they okay? Do I need to be worried about them?" Frisk asked, leaning forward in their chair as Darcy sat down with a groan. There were burns on his body, and the suit was honestly ruined. What on earth could have happened that would do this to Darcy, and why was Chara involved?

"Worry about Chara?" Darcy started laughing aloud, until he was practically choking on the laugh, "No. No, you need to worry about everyone else in this palace that is in here with Chara. Haven't you heard anything? They're on a rampage, locked up in the training room. No one will even go near that place, and the windows are all caked in ash. A month ago they started challenging everyone in the guard to duels, and they won every single time. Then they decided to take on both guards at the same time. Not one on one, mind you, all of them. At once. And Chara damn near killed all of them, without getting touched a single time. Chara is a goddamnn unstoppable war-machine and they are angry and upset so please... Please, for the safety of everyone in this palace, maybe try to calm them down before someone dies?"

"What?! Why on earth are they so angry, what happened?" Frisk exclaimed, practically falling out of their chair on their way to the door. Darcy grabbed them by the elbow and stopped them, shoving a letter into their hand.

"This is for you, from the royal planner. Make sure both of you are happy and ready for your big day tomorrow, okay? I'll have my guard clean up the mess that is the training room." Darcy sighed, shaking his head when he saw the look of confusion in Frisk's eyes. "The wedding, Frisk. You know..? You're getting married? Tomorrow? For fucks sake, Frisk, this is probably why Chara has some kind of death wish."

Frisk zoned out as they walked slowly to the door, unable to comprehend everything that they had just heard. Darcy was rambling about something or other, but Frisk wasn't listening to him anymore. How could they have forgotten? Chara has probably been wanting to just sit down with them for so long and plan this together, to talk about it and.. And Frisk neglected them, and they've been doing it so long. Shouldn't they have felt it, though? Shouldn't they have felt that Chara was so upset and hurt? That was one of the big plusses of having the soul bond and it wasn't even working.

Deep in thought, Frisk barely noticed that they had arrived at the training room, and they wouldn't have at all if there wasn't ash and fire surrounding the entire area. The hinges of the door were melted and twisted together, and the windows were either busted, caked in ashes or both. Inside, Frisk could see that some of the equipment had actually melted together from Chara's over-use of them. Patches of the ground had caught fire, and sparks were flying across the room. Frisk could hear a bittered, angry shout from within as Chara was totalling something, probably another punching bag or training dummy.

With a forceful push, using the weight of their entire body, Frisk was able to free open the door, although that would be a nice way of putting it. In actuality, they had broken the hinges free and shoved the door to the ground. Chara stopped whatever they were doing, a smoldering dummy collapsing to the ground in a heap of fire, and took off their helmet, dropping it to the ground. They sighed, breathing heavily, and turned around to face Frisk, hands on the hilt of the blade at their hips.

"So, you're finally here, huh?" Chara scoffed, looking down at the torched floor in front of them, not daring to make eye contact with Frisk. "How was work? Still more important to you than I am? You won't even come back to bed to sleep. It's freezing in that room, now. I haven't gone back, either."

"Chara, no, that isn't it! I'm sorry, I really am, and I can't give any excuse for ignoring you like that but I promise, nothing is more important to me than you.." Frisk stepped forward, pleading to Chara. They were taking off their armor now, piece by piece, dropping to the floor. "Nothing has been canceled.. After tomorrow, we'll do all of it together, like it was supposed to be."

Chara dropped their blade, and threw off the last metallic boot. They said nothing to Frisk as they pulled off their own tank-top, revealing that over all this time, Chara had in fact gotten, as they say, shredded. Frisk's jaw practically dropped, and they couldn't help but stand there and stare. Still refusing to speak, Chara walked slowly towards Frisk, their eyes not coming up from the ground until they were standing toe to toe with Frisk. They looked up and stared into Frisk's eyes

"I said yes because I wanted to share my life with you, and I thought that's how it was going to be. It wasn't, and afterwards I was more alone than I had ever been in my entire life. Being together 24/7 is stupid, but I didn't see you even once. You told me that you loved me, so please.. Just show that to me. I never wanted to be alive, and if I have to keep going than at least let me give you all that I have, so I can just have some sort of purpose. I'm yours, Frisk, to the end of the line, but if you don't really want me.. Than say so." Chara whispered softly into Frisk's ear, reciting something that they had been rehearsing in their mind for the past week. Frisk responded by pulling Chara close and wrapping their arms around them.

"I'm all yours, and you're all mine.. I love you, and you love me. We're going to be together, forever and always? I promise.." Frisk whispered in reply, burying their face in Chara's shoulder. Although they could barely hear it, they could tell that Chara was crying, and their shared soul was glowing above them once again.

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